Is the PMD Exfoliator Safe and Effective?


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Apr 18, 2014

Traci L.

your welcome hun

Apr 18, 2014

Jane C.

Thank you so much Traci! I will set some time aside to watch the DVD now that you have given your approval!

Apr 18, 2014

Traci L.

It is safe if used correctly,it's just as good as a professional micro treatment,but you have to be careful you want to use the smaller tip and the sensitive disk and hold you skin tight and don't go over any area more than twice ,also don't use anything irritating after no retinol,or aha ,just a gentle moisturizer or argan oil it should come with a dvd ,you also need to use spf daily ,and don't do it more than once every two weeks

Apr 18, 2014

Jane C.

I got one as a gift and wonder and am a little scared to try something like this at home. I do not have sensitive skin but I am over 40 so I have some fine lines but overall holding up pretty well! Lol.