To perm or not to perm.


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Apr 14, 2014

Claire G.

Alright, so my hair is naturally pin straight and I curl it most times using flexirods. I was thinking of getting a perm, with more loose curls. Would that be weird? Is it really damaging?

Apr 14, 2014

Andrea V.

If you're going to invest in a perm, be willing to spend money on a really good salon and on really good hair care products. There was about two three girls back when I was in high school and they talked about how their perms where cheap and so good but honestly not to be mean but they looked horrible but I also have a cousin who got one and it looked super pretty but she did spend a good amount of money. So I guess just make sure that it's with someone you trust.

Apr 14, 2014

Laura B.

Maybe a bodywave

Apr 14, 2014

Sarah O.

I got my hair permed and it damaged my hair really bad and made it all puffy and was never able to fix it. I'd pass.

Apr 14, 2014

Lisa A.

Perm is a permanent chemical that damages your hair, no matter how much you pay to get it put it, my suggestion is to stay with the hair you have, it's beautiful

Apr 14, 2014

Rose Y.

I've gotten two perms in my life. I've had good experiences with it. Mind you, my hair is really healthy and I rarely use heat, products, or anything on my hair because chemicals on your hair are bad for it. So I'd say go for it, if you know your hair is healthy and you'll take care of it because everyone's hair is different.

Apr 14, 2014

Yaya B.

Heck yea do it I had mines done a few years back and totally loved it I made sure I always applied SALERM21(uts a great leave in conditioner & smells great) str8 after I shampood and lot if moose soo you get defined curlz and not puffy ones..

Apr 14, 2014

Yaya B.

I want to redo mines I'm soi bored with my straight hair.

Apr 14, 2014

Angela J.

I think you should go for it! I made an appointment for a body wave today for the first time and I'm excited...even though when I sent a text asking opinions titled "perm" I got several replies referring to some type of intervention. lol!

Apr 14, 2014

Shelley W.

Be prepared to put in serious work to keep it looking nice and healthy.