How to contour??


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Apr 16, 2014

Ana S.

Okay so my question is how to contour well? I see different ppl putting creamy products and others powder products.. Does it depend on the skin types?? And what to apply before and after.

Apr 16, 2014

Melissa M.

You just use a lighter foundation or conealer and a darker one then blended out if you want to go simple just do your face makeup like usual then apply bronzer at the halos of your cheeks dooing fishy face apply to temples and sides of your nose :)!

Apr 16, 2014

Mae V.

^please don't contour with bronzer.

Apr 16, 2014

Emma P.

You should use a contour kit and I agree with Mae don't contour with bronzer.

Apr 16, 2014

Mae V.

To contour you want to use a cool matt gray/ brown, when you are contouring you're mimicking shadows that occur naturally on the face. Shadows aren't orange toned nor are they shimmery, bronzers usually are. Most people contour on their temples, under their cheekbones, sides of the nose, and/or along the jaw line. You can contour under your lip for a more defined lip, near the hairline to make it look like you have a smaller forehead. When you contour under the cheekbones it gives the illusion of more pronounced and defined cheekbones, etc. after countouring you should highlight the areas you want attention drawn to, like if you contour the sides of your nose highlight the bridge of it. The affect makes your nose look narrower.

Hope this helped! There are people on here who know much more on this topic :)

Apr 16, 2014

Melissa M.

Its the same thing you can find matte bronzers and it works the exacts same way as if you were contouring with powders

Apr 16, 2014

Melissa M.

I don't like contouring dramatically just a simple way nothing dramatic

Apr 16, 2014

Sarah N.

No nooo bronzers are not the same. They are used to give your face a "sun kissed glow" and is applied to the face in areas where the sun would naturally hit your face, which is why it has an orangey undertone! When contouring your applying product to define and create more structure in the face. That is why you do not use bronzers to contour, it can make the face look really muddy because its hard to blend out. There are a great range of sculpting powders if you like to work with them more then creams which are designed with a more dark/greyish undertone. Otherwise foundation or concealer a few shades darker then your shade will work fine. Have a look on youtube for some tutorials, they help a lot more then anyone could explain it.

Apr 16, 2014

Alice H.

Look y'all, I've seen these arguments over bronzer vs contour powder time and time again - I just want to say that everyone can do whatever they feel makes their face look beautiful. Keep in mind there are matte, cool toned bronzers out there. And keep in mind that on some deeper complexions, those matte bronzers can work for a contour. If Melissa S. likes the way her face looks with a dusting of matte bronzer under her cheekbones, it's great, because it makes her feel good.