Crisis. Skin. Help.


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May 9, 2014

Victoria S.

Thanks! :)

Apr 25, 2014

Kacie D.

Hey girl, I just wanted to say be cautious. My friend had an ingrown hair that got infected and she ended up having to have part of her thigh cut out becuz the infection spread so quickly in 48hrs. When she got out of the hospital I took care of her and changed her wounds. I literally could stick my entire hand into her thigh. There are also spider bites that can get that infected as well. If you feel faint, or dizzy, our hot, go to the Dr. right away.

Apr 25, 2014

Victoria S.

No thankyou guys I will search it, it hurts very badly, I even have one on my hand now, but smaller. The larger one is in my innder thigh { reason I can't show picture... } But thanks anyway :)

Apr 25, 2014

Delaney K.

If it looks like a pimple I don't think its a spider bite. I've been bit by a spider and it was clearly not a pimple looking thing although I doubt we live in the same area so there are plenty of different spiders in different areas but I just googled spider bite and didn't see any that looked like pimples but they were plenty of things to do based of what spider bit you so you could check those out!

Apr 25, 2014

Victoria S.

So Don't take this in any way awkward but I can't show you a photo but I have a { I think } spider bite, and its like a large pimple.
Anyways any good recommenadtions? Products?