Tanning beds and skin cancer. Help!


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Apr 23, 2014

Cat C.

I'm sure sweetie. I'm sorry about your mom and I hope she's happy and healthy now :) I'd stay away from it though.

Apr 23, 2014

Roz X.

With so many great self-tanners on today's market, I just wouldn't risk it. I hope she does not tan in a bed. My best to her and bless her path to wellness.

Apr 23, 2014

Anissa J.

I don't think your mom should go on tanning beds again for her safety. Actually tanning is really bad for the skin and yes it can cause cancer. Sun has UV and UV are bad for skin cells. It causes mutation , which can change the cells of the skin. Mutation is when the cells creates other particles and those particles can be cancer. I know all of that cuz I study medicine but I would ask a professional as well.

Apr 23, 2014

Anissa J.

I hope she'll be okay...Maybe try to search the symptoms on internet.

Apr 23, 2014

Cat C.

Try asking on a health forum on a reputable website. I'm sure they can be much more informing. I know there are extensive studies on this though. It's hard to give a definitive answer.

Apr 23, 2014

Jessica S.

My dad had skin cancer and it is caused by any damage to the skin caused my exposure to the sun in any way, tanning beds are really really bad as it is worse than getting burnt, I would not recommended anyone to go in tanning beds as it increases the chances of getting cancer! there are many types of skin cancer but the worse is melanoma (my dad had that one) and it has the highest risk of dying. even getting burnt as a child could risk skin cancer. I would always watch what you are doing in the sun so that you would not get it as it is a horrible thing to go through, unfortunately your mum will be in a risk of getting skin cancer, but that doesn't mean that she will get it. a message you can give to everyone is be very careful in the sun and I would avoid tanning beds at all costs, there are more people getting skin cancer and I think that watching your exposure to the sun should be taken very seriously and carefully!! sorry if that wasn't what you wanted to hear but I think everyone should be careful! I hope your mum is okay and that it all works out for the best!:)

Apr 23, 2014

Jessica S.

Also if you notice any moles that she has appearing or the shape is odd and the colour is odd I will definitely go and see the doctor straight away, the sooner you get it the faster it will go away and less chance of catching it again, I hope your mum doesn't have it and if you are worried keep checking for moles and see someone, God bless you and your mum!!

Apr 23, 2014

Jessica S.

No problem:) I was really worried when j found out but the sooner you get it the faster they treat it and she might not even have it but it's better to be safe, if you need to ask me anything I am happy to answer! :)