Sunburn Help Required


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Jul 26, 2014

Breeze T.

Pure Aloe is perfect. A nice oatmeal mask can help too (just make a paste and apply until it dries).

Jul 25, 2014

Emily M.

Get the aloe Vera that is clear not a green or blue tinted color. It's so much better. Put sunscreen on too.

Jul 25, 2014

Tori D.

There aren't really ways to fully "heal" sunburn. You can soothe it and ease the pain, but other than that it's mostly just waiting for your skin to heal and possibly peel.

Jul 25, 2014

Alexandra C.

This may be really dumb but I usually don't get sunburned because I am half mexican but two days ago I got sun burned primarily on my face and I wanna get rid of it fast. so far I used aloe vera and had a yougurt mask any other ways to get rid of it?