Super dry skin help!!


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Jul 23, 2014

Breeze T.


I don't know if this can help, but here it is anyway!

Jul 23, 2014

Breeze T.

An oatmeal mask will do wonders for your skin!
Another option for sensitive skin is an oil cleansing method and an overnight shea butter application. I do this in the winter when my skin is extra dry.

Oil cleansing method: I remove my makeup with coconut oil (it removes waterproof makeup too!). Coconut oil is mildly comedogenic, though, just fyi. I apply it liberally to my face, massage my eyes in circular motions until I look like a panda! lol. Then I take a washcloth, dip it in warm/hot but not boiling water and apply it to my face making sure the heat really envelops my face. Then I remove the black residues of makeup with the washcloth. Repeat if needed.

Overnight shea butter application:
Shea butter is non-comedogenic. Just take 100% pure shea butter (I actually buy one that's almost 100% with the other ingredient being vitamin E, so it doesn't go rancid, plus my skin benefits from it too!). Anyway, after cleansing your skin at night, you take a pea sized amount (or maybe a bit more), rub it between your clean palms and apply to your face, massaging it well. Go to bed. The next morning your skin will be nourished. Sometimes excessive chemicals can dry out your skin, stick to one or two ingredient products just to be safe.

I'd avoid toner if you really want to hold on to that moisture, but it's just what I do. I can't guarantee it'll work for you. Just make sure you don't use comedogenic products if you are acne-prone.

Hope I could help a little! <3

Jul 23, 2014

Mya T.

Exfoliate once a week! And I recommend using a mask! There are hydrating masks at sephora for 6 dollars but you can make your own. Some ingredients I'd reccomend is Greek yogurt, honey, and oatmeal.

Jul 23, 2014

Charlese C.

You may have a slight allergic reaction to one of the ingredients in it secondly the pink grapefruit face wash is known to dry out the skin try using products strictly for moisture and sensitive skin for now try only to use sensitive skin products until the redness and pain go away also don't exfoliate for awhile try and just wash your face no exfoliation and take your moisturizer with you so if you feel it getting dry again apply some more and sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen that will help your skin protect itself so it doesn't get worse it sounds like your skin is at a very fragile state right now.

Jul 23, 2014

Emily W.

Perhaps treat it like a chemical burn? Use one of your normal moisturizers then top it with Aquaphor, and avoid exfoliating for a couple of days until your skin heals. (If your skin is acnegenic in addition to sensitive, you should only use Aquaphor on the absolute driest parts since it can be comedogenic for many people.) If it is red and irritated, take an antiinflammatory like ibuprofen. Even using aloe can help (as long as it doesn't contain alcohol). If you can't avoid makeup, try and minimize the amount applied on the irritation and use gentle methods to apply.

Also just a note, Beautylish doesn't allow reposts, so this topic might get deleted. Technically this information could've been added to the original thread, which would make this a duplicate. (Not trying to sound snotty, just letting you know in case it disappears without warning.)

Hope it gets better for you! Dry skin sucks. :(

Jul 23, 2014

Kaitlin M.

or a *

Jul 23, 2014

Kaitlin M.

It seems like you're exfoliating too much... I would exfoliate using an AHA of BHA. (Kitty, a moderator, uses a BHA. You could always ask her about them and what each one does). I would use a hydrating cleanser (I will add a picture of my favorite cleanser.) for moisturizer, I like to use the aveeno positively radiant moisturizer. I have dry skin too.

Jul 23, 2014

Brooke S.

Okay so I posted this earlier but due to the responses I got, I realize I need to clarify a few things.
1. It's not that serious I don't need a dermatologist
2. I have dry, very sensitive skin already
3. I constantly moisturize my skin with a skin soother and a creamy face moisturizer
4. I exfoliate before I put on makeup and after I take it off at night
5. cannot not wear makeup sorry not sorry I have places to be this week and next and can't avoid it

I'll attach a photo of the original post