How Did This Happen?


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Aug 21, 2014

kinza k.

okay thanks ladies

Aug 20, 2014

Emily W.

People's hair responds to changes in their body, be it hormones, dietary changes, or just getting older. Most people's hair gets darker as they get older then eventually turns grey/white, but sometimes it can get lighter.

Aug 20, 2014

Ashley F.

Hmm I don't know, I'm not a professional. I guess its probably just getting lighter with sun exposure and if your hair is long your ends have been more exposed over the years... maybe ombre it and work it :)

Aug 20, 2014

kinza k.

I never dyed my hair and I get them trimmed every 6 weeks my hair is soft but getting light

Aug 20, 2014

Ashley F.

I'm not sure what your color history is, but I dye my hair darker than my natural color and it is inevitable that the darker color will fade eventually. I try to wash my hair as little as possible and use a color safe shampoo and conditioner without sulfates. Also, if you possibly have been dying your hair blonde for a while, your hair may be extra porous and the color isn't adhering like it should, in that case, the fading should begin to slow down after you've recolored your hair several times.

Aug 20, 2014

Ashley D.

Sometimes your hair will get lighter or darker naturally but often if your ends get lighter they may be dead and you have to get a trim.

Aug 20, 2014

kinza k.

Is possible that shampoo can lighten your hair color? so I had really dark brown hair 2 years ago and now the lower side hair are goldish(if that's a word lol)brown and I don't even go out in the sun I hate sunlight but my hair keeps getting lighter I really like it but how did it happen? just curious.