Will washing my face 3 times a day damage my skin?


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Aug 10, 2014

Ileene M.

Everyone skin is different, but I honestly I think 3 times will be too much I personally do it twice night & day, it can possibly irritate your skin too.

Aug 10, 2014

Alyssa L.

You shower every day? Geez girl! I would stay away from washing your hair everyday... (If you do, when you're in there)
I don't think it'll do any harm.

Aug 10, 2014

Kitty K.

I wash mine 3-4 times a day, but I use a very mild cleanser.
Once in the morning, *before working out, after working out*, and before bed. It really only gets to 4 times if I have to run out after working out, but it's generally 3 times a day because of exercise.

I only use my cleansing device in the mornings and right before bed. As long as your cleanser is mild it's fine. You are supposed to wash your face pre and post workout, using a very mild cleanser... but if you aren't working out then I really don't see the need to do so.

And may I ask what's so bad about showering everyday? I personally don't like being stinky, dirty, sweaty and filled with bacteria and viruses that accumulate onto our skin and bringing all that into my bed... but I am quite curious as to why taking a shower everyday is bad.

Aug 10, 2014

Sophie F.

I was my face in the shire which is either in the morning or night. But when I wake up or go to sleep depending on when I had the shower I would wash it with cold water.

Aug 10, 2014

Karen L.

I used too & it increased my oil production but maybe it was because I used a harsh Cleanser. I agree with kitty, if you don't workout I don't see the need to wash it 3 times

Aug 10, 2014

Alyssa I.

I thought we were supposed to shower everyday lol? And just because she showers everyday @alyssa z doesn't mean she washes her hair everyday.

Aug 10, 2014

Alyssa L.

Haha don't worry! I shower Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday. Days I workout and have volleyball practice... I don't stink!

Aug 10, 2014

Lindsay H.

@ Liz S haha ya I think people should shower everyday too but then they don't have to wash there hair everyday

Aug 10, 2014

Paula E.

@Alyssa wow. Thats something new for me lol.

I also think you have to take a shower everyday but you can always skip hair day

Aug 10, 2014

Paula E.

Agree with Alyssa I.

Aug 10, 2014

Bry R.

Yeahhhhhh humans are very very smelly and if we don't shower everyday, especially women who have crevices, get stinky and bacteria accumulates.

Aug 11, 2014

Hannah K.

Thought we were supposed to shower everyday to prevent bacteria and whatnot?

I wash my hair every other day but I shower everyday, I'd feel dirty if I didn't 0.0