Anyone else NOT into the whole organic thing?


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Jul 30, 2014

Alura J.

There's chemicals in the water... All those medications that people flush down the toilet. Those don't get filtered out, they are too small. Go talk to some people at the water department and you'd probably be horrified to find out (I have family who works for water department). Our skin is porous. There's really no escaping it unless you' re mountain women. But even there there is pollution in water and the air. Using organic, in my opinion, is nullified by the polluted, chemical laced water and air.

I'm more concerened about GMO food and those nasty side effects of eating altered food.

Jul 30, 2014

Makayla M.

If you get a good natural routine, it's way better for your skin in the long run. Exspecailly oil cleansing. It's very good. And less chemicals the healthier you should be bc you absorb 60% of the things on your skin. Why not try natural for less money and it's the same if not better for you.

Jul 30, 2014

S V.

Lol, the argument isn't whether organic farming is economical or not, it's whether it's better for you, which it is. If financially, it's not something you want to participate in, that's it's own issue. But in terms of whether it's healthier for you, that answer is heavily weighted in favour of staying organic. An organic apple is certainly healthier than a non-organic apple. Fruit skins are porous, so water doesn't actually do much to wash matter away. I think it's equally silly to assume something will work because it's 'natural' as it is to assume it won't because it's 'natural'. It comes down to doing research about the ingredients in the things you buy. Sure, that's too time consuming for some, and that's fine. For others, it's a way of life.

In terms of testing on animals, that's another issue entirely. Plenty of companies can put out great cosmetic products without needing to test on animals, so the argument that it's necessary for a quality product doesn't hold up. If you're fine with it, that's fine. But the argument can't be that it's a crucial part of successful product development

Jul 30, 2014

Jocelyn S.

I like the way you think Emily!! Animals testing is sad when I think about them testing on their eyes and stuff...but I just don't think about it. The only thing boycotting a brand will do is make myself feel better...Not much will change. I still eat chicken and beef and I know the conditions are bad for them too.

I'd rather use a product with chemicals that is proven to work and has studies to show it...which plenty do!!

Jul 30, 2014

Maggie F.

I think if you want to see real results, go with the chemicals with ingredients that are tested and proven effective. I'm also pretty astonished by some of the natural DIY stuff people post and feel it probably will just make the situation worse (ie using honey to treat acne and stuff like that).

Jul 30, 2014

Emily W.

Nope, never been into it either. I'm also pro-testing and I was raised on a farm where we hunted and slaughtered animals for food so I am definitely NOT a vegetarian either. :P

Organic farming is impractical for the needs of our population. The crop yields are too small and too delicate. It is just an enterprise to fuel the suburban yuppie trends (chemicals are bad!) that the majority of people can't even afford. Five dollars for a single organic apple, or five dollars for a bag of regular apples. Gee tough choice there!

As for the whole pesticides issue: that's why you wash them first.

Jul 30, 2014

Jocelyn S.


Jul 30, 2014

Kitty K.

I just can't help but giggle when girls are like 'Natural is better, diy is better.'
And all I can think of is: DIY BLUSH! Rub some poison IVY on your cheeks! It lasts for days ☺

Jul 29, 2014

S V.

I agree all around that the terms 'chemical' and 'natural' really don't make any sense anymore. They are certainly blanket terms used to sell things. Things being organic are another story though, because certain things ARE grown with more pesticides than others (take berries for instance), and pesticides and the like are terrible for you. They exist in order to kill living organisms, so I feel like its naive to assume there is no impact on you. Especially considering that studies have been done that show the harm of pesticides on organisms. It's one thing if you just don't want to think about it, but something being certified organic is better for you when compared to its non organic counterpart.

Jul 29, 2014

Jenna M.

The whole chemicals are bad is bull! People are like oh chemicals are so bad they're in medications I'm going to do natural remedies. Vitamin k found in leafy green clots blood. But it's alright because it's natural. Well what if someone has arrhythmia and need to be on blood thinners. Moral of the story just because it's natural doesn't mean it's safe.

Jul 29, 2014

Alura J.

Well, I like some DIY stuff but I have very mixed feelings about the whole issue. In the long run, depending on the ingredients it's more expensive to make it at home and it doesn't keep as long. If I had to brew up something every few days I'd eventually get lazy and not do it consistently. And usually it doesn't perform as good either. Then to top it all off, natural is not always healthier or better. Cinnamon on the face? Hec No. Apricot to exfoliate? psh. Bad stuff.

Like Becky J. said, everything techniqually is a chemical.

And if you think about it, if everyone was to stop purchasing products and went out to collect everything natural we'd run out of these natural resources much faster. In some ways, it's preserving the enviorment by purchasing skincare products from the store. I know in other ways it's not the best but you're damned if you do, and damned if ya don't.

I'd rather eat my healthy food than smear it on my face.

Jul 29, 2014

Charlene F.

Yes. if I find it awesome. like I love physicians formula and burts bees but I'd buy what I'm loving instead of healthy preferences. although I do stay away from salt and sugar.

Jul 29, 2014

Sabrina K.

I'm with you Jocelyn, I don't go for diy's I just don't believe it will work as well! Only "organic" thing I use is coconut oil, I didn't believe that would work either, but it really did! As for my skin care I prefer the "chemicals" haha.

Jul 29, 2014

Becky J.

Same here! I don't know, I feel like it's a bit of a marketing ploy, jumping on the whole "chemicals are bad we should be using all natural products" bandwagon.

At the end of the day everything's a chemical if you think about it.

I'm the same as you, I keep in mind what I eat but going all natural when it comes to skincare and makeup doesn't appeal to me, especially some of the DIYs floating around, they're just a skin reaction waiting to happen.

Jul 29, 2014

Jocelyn S.

Like, I'm all about eating healthy and staying away from processed foods but I'm just not into the homemade and organic skincare...I simply don't care and don't have the time to deal with it haha. Anyone else like this?