Peach fuzz removal!


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Aug 1, 2014

Mrs B.

I use nair facial hair remover.

Jul 30, 2014

Catie S.

I don't have dark hair but my BFF does and she gets the same thing but she bleaches it.

Jul 30, 2014

Fräulein R.

Andrea,wow actually a really good idea. But the thought of it scares me. But on the other side I am so so curious.

Jul 30, 2014

Andrea V.

I suck in my lips and then I use a lighter and run it trough the sides of my mouth really fast since it's where I have more and then I wash it with cold water and pluck whatever is left pushing up on my lips so it so it hurts less.

Jul 30, 2014

kim N.


Jul 30, 2014

Annabelle N.


Jul 30, 2014

Kaitlyn S.


Jul 30, 2014

Kaitlyn S.

I have some upper lip peach fuzz and considering I have really dark hair an really pale skin, I'm super insecure lately. What's my beat option??