Acne + birth control


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Jul 28, 2014

Rachel M.

I started birth control for severe period related issues. I tried four different ones and each made me have horrible acne (before I started birth control I maybe one small pimple every two-three months, almost perfect skin). Finally after switching brands and types (again) I've found a birth control that does not make me break out and helps my periods immensely. It's a lot of trial and error with what your body can tolerate. Slow, low level, steady release birth control is usually better for you and your body, especially when it comes to hormonal acne. I use the Nuvaring and it couldn't be better for me

Jul 28, 2014

Jocelyn S.

Yep!! I never had terrible acne, but would always have some sort of breakout. Besides a cystic blemish every once in a while, my face has totally cleared up. If I had acne, I would totally go on birth control. Not to mention you know exactly when your period is coming. That was my main reason for taking it (other than getting pregnant!!)

Jul 28, 2014

Alyx T.

Kaitlin is right, side effects are iffy. There are always risks of bad ones. But not everybody gets them. And if it's just for acne, you can go on a lower dosage. I personally have a family history of depression and suffer myself, but going on birth control actually helped a bit with it. As for side effects the only thing I noticed was I gained a bit of weight (probably 5 pounds within a few weeks) but that was it and it was easy to lose. Besides that there were no side effects other than feeling much better.

Jul 28, 2014

Brittani J.

Is going to the dermatologist not an option? Or were you going to go on birth control anyways? I take birth control but I'm not sure if it helps keep my skin clear because I also see a dermatologist.

Jul 28, 2014

Mary H.

If you want to take birth control for acne, just let your doctor know that it is for acne and they can prescribe you one of the kinds approved by the FDA for acne treatment. I take birth control for acne and I have to say that it has helped so far! I have a small breakout during my period but I've been pretty clear otherwise ( knock on wood) but everyone is different.

Jul 28, 2014

Kaitlin S.

It depends on the person. Your body isn't anyone else's, and what works for you might not work for others and vice versa. As for me, birth control really helped my hormonal acne, it worked perfectly. However, I didn't realize that I had a history of depression in my family. By tweaking with the chemical balance in my body, I experienced major depression for about two years. So yes, there are risks. But this kind of a side effect only happens to a small portion of a population, and I already was genetically predisposed. What I can suggest is to take a look at your family history and go to your doctor or dermatologist and see what they say. They only want to help you.

Jul 28, 2014

Zoey A.

Honestly I didn't have notice any side effects and I've been taking birth control for about 2 years.

Jul 28, 2014

Zoey A.

It can actually depend on what birth control you take. If you do want birth control to help with your acne, you should specify that. For me personally, it really, really helped. I take Tri-cyclen Lo, and it helps to regulate hormones even during your period.

Jul 28, 2014

Chelle D.


Jul 28, 2014

Chelle D.

Thank Alyx!
Sabrina, for the purpose of both. :)

Jul 28, 2014

Alyx T.

I started taking birth control because I had heavy periods, I was 11 (I was not sexually active, I just had cramps that would literally put me in tears for hours a day), but it really helped my acne. I had a mild amount of pimples and after I started taking it, and till now I only breakout on my period and get one or two if I slack on my skin routine.

I agree that there are side effects, but if you have hormonal acne it might be worth the side effects. I'd talk to your doctor about it.

Jul 28, 2014

Sabrina K.

Don't take birth control for acne, take birth control for its original purpose. There are side effects by using birth control.

Jul 28, 2014

Chelle D.

What have any of you experienced while taking birth control for your acne? Has it helped?