Thought to share as it can save your skin.


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Nov 2, 2014

Ammara L.

As you suggested I leave it and let nature works its way.??

Nov 1, 2014

Adahli M.

Thanks for sharing ammara.

Nov 1, 2014

Naomi S.

I use a dab of tea tree oil on just the spot.
if that doesn't do it.. I don't use anything else.

Nov 1, 2014

Shelley W.

I just let it run its course. I rarely apply any type of spot treatment these days...especially since I'm prone to scarring due to my skintone. If you use tea tree oil its best to dilute it because applied directly unto skin you can actually burn it...causing more issues.

Nov 1, 2014

Celine S.

Soak your face in warm water and then rub tea tree oil on the pimple. best to use all natural products when it comes to swelling.

Nov 1, 2014

Amy H.

What brand of cream did you use? I've always used crystaside/crystaderm and never had a problem.

Nov 1, 2014

Ammara L.

I am prone to acne and always looking for treatment that work. So I was reading a blog and it said putting Antiseptic cream on your pimple will shrink it and it going to work as Spot treatment. So I did and result was even more acne and instead of drying it became huge and got swelled :( So please beauties becareful. and what should I do.