Hot oil treatment? Does it work?


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Dec 15, 2014

Jasi O.

Hahah yeh I know! I think I haut need a chane, cause my hairs been exactly the same for 7 years and I'm getting bored of it.

Dec 15, 2014

Taylor G.

That's amazing 7 years, and very nice of you:)

Dec 15, 2014

Alli P.

Ah! Gotcha. Well that's a good reason then. :) Seven years though, wow!

Dec 15, 2014

Jasi O.

Hahah yeh I acts bully wrote out a whole post explaining it but I've had problems with my phone not posting everything give written! I've been growing my hair for 7 years and I want to be be a few inches longer ( at my bum) before I cut it off. I'm donating my hair so I figure I may as well let's my hair grow to my desired length first:)

Dec 15, 2014

Alli P.

Wait, didn't you just ask if you should cut your hair? And now you're trying to grow it? o.O I'm confused.
However, I guarantee you that your hair will not grow that much in even two months, let alone two weeks, regardless of how many times you do it.

Dec 15, 2014

Jasi O.

Okay thanks Taylor, I've had it on for 48minites so I'll probably just keep it on for a few hours anyway, and I did the upside down head thingy but I massaged it into my scalp at the same time. And I just wrapped my head in glad wrap to keep the heat in, I'm going to keep trying this to see if it works ahha.

Dec 15, 2014

Cave D.


Dec 15, 2014

Taylor G.

I doubt your hair will grow 2-3 inches in two weeks.
Hot oil treatments are good for your hair though. I usually use coconut oil but olive oil will work. I only leave it in 30 minutes to an hour though.
Also I think the holding your head upside down thing is just silly.

Dec 15, 2014

Jasi O.

Does this work?