Clarisonic causes breakouts?


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Nov 1, 2014

Brandy S.

Yes, I change my brush head regularly.. I think its just too much for my sensitive skin. I'll continue not using it and see how it goes :)

Oct 31, 2014

Diana T.

There are YouTube videos of people who had bad experiences with it - including Wayne goss so it's not uncommon - and really the Clarisonic is doing exfoliation - so if you have exfoliating cleanser in a device that is already exfoliating - it may be too much for your skin to handle - so it's not the best for sensitive skin if you can't take too much exfoliation on a daily basis.

Oct 30, 2014

Ivette H.

I've been using my Clarisonic a few weeks now and think I got maybe 1 or 2 pimples that went away within a day or two. However before purchasing it I read a lot of reviews and many people did break out or go thru the "purge" I would relate it to your birth control. And maybe try switching the little Clarisonic head that may help. (:

I will ask my friend that uses it huni xoxox

Oct 30, 2014

Brandy S.

I bought my clarisonic back in January, and have had terrible cystic acne ever since. A week ago, it died and I keep forgetting to charge it. My skin has been GLOWING without it. No pimples, soft, amazing. I use an aha/BHA cleanser and a gentle exfoliator. I have also switched birth control to Yaz recently though which could be the reason. Has anybody else had similar experiences with the clarisonic actually causing acne?