Tips on changing my style👗


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Oct 28, 2014

Ashley D.

When I changed my style all I did was wear the clothes I wanted to. That's really all their is to it. Just look on fashion sites or clothing store sites, find what you like and draw inspiration from the clothes you see, also finding a celebrity to get inspiration from works well too. Just wear what you like. And maybe wear high wasted jeans with the crop tops so you aren't showing skin. But if your mom says no then I would just listen.

Oct 28, 2014

Ashley D.

there is*

Oct 29, 2014

Sanai S.

Personally I would gradually change my style, and wear whatever you like :)

Oct 29, 2014

Hannah S.

On the mom thing: start by wearing track tops under them.

Oct 29, 2014

Jackie M.

With the crop tops just wear them with high wasted things so only showing a small amount of stomach.. And with regards to changing your style you could do it gradually if you want to ease into it, like you could just start wearing skater skirts with your tees and converse and build up from there x

Oct 29, 2014

Sarah N.

I agree with the high waist bottoms to show less skin and maybe a cardigan or kimono over it and see if she thinks it's acceptable. When changing up your fashion get inspiration find what you like write a list for key pieces for your next shopping trip so you don't have the same problem with buying the same stuff you always do, then I would just gradually add more pieces. don't buy something just cuz you think it's fashionable if you don't really like it. instead of changing it up completely just incorporate a few key new pieces you haven't tried before

Oct 29, 2014

Sarah N.

Also accessories are really important to tie a look together so maybe some scarfs and statement jewelry, shoes & handbags.

Oct 31, 2014

Ivanna O.

I agree with sanai!