Urgent Help Needed!!


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Dec 23, 2014

Kiran K.

My birthday is coming up and my acne is worsening. I have a new one everyday. my face was all clear before d winters but as the weather is getting colder and my skin is getting drier(it's oily in summers and dry in winters ugh!), my acne doesn't seem to go away. please help me with suggestions as to what should I do. I wash my face twice a day with clean n clear face wash and tone it with organic neem toner and moisturize with garnier cream. What to do? :-(

Dec 23, 2014

Octavia C.

Sounds like you are doing all the right things. I would stick it out and buy some Estée Lauder double wear foundation in case it doesn't go away - this will cover all acne and give a flawless finish. Hope this helps!!

Dec 23, 2014

Sandy M.

I had a friend who was using clean and clear and her face just broke out even more with acne so she stopped and started using an organic brand not sure what the name is! She uses everything organic for her face and it has cleared up goodluck

Dec 23, 2014

Just T.

Try using less foundation and more face cleansers 

Dec 23, 2014

Roz X.

If your skin is dry, washing more just dries it out further. You should try a natural oil, like Jojoba to keep your skin soft. The clean and clear may be too harsh for you. Have you tried Cetaphil or CeraVe? Does your face cream contain fragrances?

Dec 23, 2014

Kiran K.

I have tried cetaphil. it doesn't seem to have much effect though it doesn't dry. I will try jojoba oil but I hope it won't cause any break outs.

Dec 23, 2014

Halee C.

Jojoba oil is the bomb honey. it is a miracle oil and will soften your dry skin. it healed my skin pretty fast tbh.

Dec 23, 2014

Emilia G.

Try not using so much brands. My problem was that I used way too much different things and cleansers in my face so I had a lot of pimples and stuff. Lately I've been sticking to clean and clear (1,2,3) and also I try to use good makeup brands.

Dec 23, 2014

Traci L.

I Agree with Rozberry, using harsh drying cleansers just cause your skin to become unbalanced, try using Nutrogena deep clean cream cleanser at night and cerave hydrating cleanser in the morning tone with a tee tree oil toner then moisturize with cerave in the morning and jojoba oil at night you can spot treat with a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment or a tee tree oil spot treatment you also should exfoliate using a enzyme or Aha exfoliater once or twice a week,

Dec 23, 2014

Kathryn R.

I love what Emilia said! If you can't/don't want to go to a dermatologist, make sure everything you're using (aside from natural oils or tea treatments) is from the same brands. I learned at makeup academy that sometimes different brands have ingredients that don't mix well.

Dec 23, 2014

Kaylee D.

No Cetaphil it's terrible! I use garnier clean plus and it really helped my skin. I would then use indie lee blemish stick all natural, and the indie lee squalane oil after to moisturize.

Dec 23, 2014

Kiran K.

Thank you all...really helped me :-) hope my skin agrees with me soon haha.

Dec 23, 2014

Gisell G.

I agree with Rozberry & also think you should moisturize with jojoba oil at night

Dec 24, 2014

AmorAri P.

Use shea butter to moisturize also do a mask at least once a week and you should be fine

Dec 24, 2014

Ariana G.

Yeah I use to use Clean & Clear face wash, toner, and moisturizer and my skin went crazy...I was using the Morning Burst cleanser and it would make my skin look gross but I would use the Clean and Clear Night Relaxing Deep Cleaning facial cleanser and it would work good. So I'm only using the Night Relaxing Cleanser and my skin is cleared up. Once I'm done with it I'm switching to Cetaphil daily cleanser. I also quit using the Clean and Clear toner bcuz I realized it was just full of alcohol and it was ruining my skin. So check if your toner has alcohol in it and if it does I suggest getting a better toner. I now use witch hazel as a toner and its much better. As for your dry skin...I would invest in some jojoba oil to use along with your moiaturizer and that should help itself :) Also remember to exfoliate...if your skin is dey then you have a lot of dry dead skin sitting there.

Dec 24, 2014

Mallory L.

It sounds like your face is breaking out because it's dry. Make sure the products you're using don't contain alcohol, fragrance, or other profits that can dry and aggravate the skin. Also, maybe incorporate a facial oil to your regimen. I use tea tree oil, which really helped my skin to clear up. I hear great things about jojoba oil, though I've never tried it myself.

Dec 25, 2014

Alaina C.

Ok when I was younger I used clean and clear and for some reason it ALWAYS made my breakouts WORSE! Try clearasil if you want salycilic acid or if you want something that's going to kill all that acne may I suggest a product with a benzoyl peroxide concentration like the Oxy line.