Who has been to the dermatologist??


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Dec 25, 2014

Rosa A.

My Dermatologist was my life savior. I struggled with acne for 10 plus years. Got on some strong stuff but the result was worth it all!

Dec 25, 2014

Ashley G.

Sorry for the typos
*been not need

Dec 25, 2014

Ashley G.

Yes almost all insurance should cover derm visit. I have need to a derm since age 14 and now I am 23 trying to become one lolol, wonder where I got that idea from :P.
but yea derm is an specialist so insurance should cover it, if your insurance requires a referral then ask your physican for one. I have tried every single acne medication perscribed by a derm before switching to accutane last year. Minocycline even took me to emergency room due to allergic reaction.

I saw greattttt results with retin A, 1st month was horrible breakout but then it cleared up so well. however as soon as I went off on it, I got my acne back.
clindamycin was awesome for back and chest and it ended up being the only topical I took for those area.
then I stopped going to the derm for 3 years and let nature do its thing. however I took some perscribed benzyol peroxide face wash which was god sent. Unfortunately that company stopped making it. Once again back to the derm. We started retin a, clindamycin, selium sulfide wash all over again. worked great for a year and BAM again cyst acnes all over. then I gave up and went for accutane. Been off from it for more than a year but my face is never oily, before it was terrible and thats the main promoter of acne bacteria formation.

Dec 24, 2014

Erin L.

Thank you rozberry 😚

Dec 24, 2014

Roz X.


Dec 24, 2014

Roz X.

Yes, I have seen one many times. I go twice a year.
Insurance coverage is based on if it is a medical condition that is not solely aesthetic. So yes, some visits were coveted, others were not. Some seems offer a "free" consultation for those considering a procedure or long-term skin care...such as a peel or Pro-Active. If you decide to proceed, your fee is applied toward the cost. If not, you pay the consultation fee. I'd inquire prior to scheduling. I can only vouch for my own derm in that regard.
Yes. I have seen results as have others. It just takes patience and diligence.

Dec 24, 2014

Erin L.

Thanks Bridgette that's awesome to hear!

Dec 24, 2014

Bridgette D.

Oh and I had warts (neck, hands, and feet) and milia

Dec 24, 2014

Bridgette D.

I love my derm! I know my surgeries weren't covered but I'm pretty sure my cream is.
I have had results for almost everything, the most rapid result was about 5 weeks and the longest was about16 weeks. They cleared up what they were supposed to.

Dec 24, 2014

Erin L.

Thanks Vanessa! I glad that worked for you hopefully that's all I'll need

Dec 24, 2014

Vanessa M.

I have hormonal acne, so I get it mainly around my chin and my dermatologist recommended doxycycline and it's an antibiotic...it's worked amazingly with my skin!

Dec 24, 2014

Erin L.

Ok thank you!

Dec 24, 2014

Erin L.

Thank you! And are you off of it until you break out agin? That's if you do break out like that hopefully not! Or is it just used until it clears your acne? I hope I made sense

Dec 24, 2014

Erin L.

I'm so glad your skin is doing better that's a long time to suffer from acne I'm so happy for you!! I can see results in your pics. I hope it continues to work out for you and I wish you the best thank you for responding jacqlyn

Dec 24, 2014

Erin L.

Happy to hear your skin is better! Thanks for responding I believe I have hormonal acne as well because ever since I started birth control my skin has been through hell

Dec 24, 2014

Michelle S.

Lucky me I had a combination of acne and rosacea. Honestly, my acne was more hormonal. Now that I'm in my 20s, everything sort of went under control. Also, going on the pill was helpful. I think I tried about 5 different creams and one other antibiotic (which I was allergic too) until I found what worked.

Dec 24, 2014

Erin L.

What kind of acne did you have? If you don't mind me asking

Dec 24, 2014

Michelle S.

No problem
Any other questions, feel free to ask :)

Dec 24, 2014

Erin L.

Thank you michelle!!

Dec 24, 2014

Michelle S.

My dermatologist has been a life saver! It took me a while to see results because I used to see someone else who made my skin worse (I saw this other doctor for almost two years and wasted so much time and money there)
A lot of the products and medications are trial and error since our skin reacts differently to certain products.
Like any new product, there might be a purging period, but be patient and give the product some time before switching.
Once I found what worked for me, my skin cleared in about 3 months. 😃
Insurance should cover the visit, but most likely there will be a copay.

Dec 24, 2014

Erin L.

I'm going at the end of January and I'm excited hopefully they can help me and I see some results😬😬😬
I have a few questions
Who has been to one?
Does insurance cover it? ( I know it depends on what insurance you have)
Who has seen results and what did you notice? (I know everyone's skin is different)
How long did it take to see results (and I know everyone's skin is different and it depends on the person)
Whom ever has been or knows someone who has been to one can you please answer the questions above.