What is wrong with my eue?


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Nov 28, 2014

Roz X.

Are you using any products around your eyes that could perhaps be causing a reaction as of late? Certain odors, fabrics, creams, cosmetics, detergents, shampoo, etc. can bring on stinging or watering. Sometimes, winds can whip in the eye..or cause particles to fly about and get into the eyes. Since it is the one eye...try to make a point of noting where you were and what you were doing immediately prior to the stinging.
I'd put a few drops of Visine in my eye after rinsing it out carefully...then take an antihistamine if the irritation continues. Since it could be an allergy, if it continues, I'd consult my physician. Good luck!

Nov 28, 2014

Saz C.

Hey guys my left eye has been really stining me lately and I'm just wondering if its the weather and if it happens to any of you guys. If so how do ye treat it?