How Much Foundation Should You Use?


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Nov 28, 2014

Kat R.

I use two dots on each cheek, one each under my eyes, one each on my forehead, nose, and chin, then blend with my fingers. :)

Nov 28, 2014

Brianna M.

thank you everyone!

Nov 27, 2014

Elsa L.

Personally what I would do if my foundation has no pump I sterilize my hands because I no I'm going to hold the foundation to face it down and my finger has foundation so I can start dotting usually I will go buy how much coverage you need if you don't need much just 3 dots each cheek for head a dot each side chin once use a tight flat foundation brush I find more the sonia kashuk flat brush is awesome for blending out your foundation

Nov 27, 2014

Brittany H.

I usually do a dot or two if I need extra coverage on my cheeks and then one dot on my chin & one on my forehead and blend really well. I use Estée Lauder double wear.

Nov 27, 2014

Codi R.

I use a dot on each cheek on my forehead and chin and then I add extra to my problem areas

Nov 27, 2014

Brianna M.

OK thank you I have a few medium coverage foundations I will try that with

Nov 27, 2014

Brianna M.

If you have a foundation that you pour on the back of your hand than dot onto your face where should you be dotting it and how much of it so you don't use to much and look cakey? another question is how do you properly put foundation on with any brushes I feel like they put a mask on my face and just I haven't been able to master them yet I use a beauty blender and I wanted some more coverage than a beauty blender has to offer. I hope this makes sense.