Tips to get shaving to last longer?


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Nov 25, 2014

Tiffany P.

I agree with the exfoliating it gives a closer shave! I had a reaction to Nair too! Anyway, laser hair removal works wonders! It's thinner and in some spots it never grows back but hurts!! and you have to go multiple times. It's still worth it though. Lol.

Nov 25, 2014

Emily W.

I wish there was a way to make hair grow slower that didn't involved severe malnutrition! My hair grows back so fast, I have visible stubble after a few HOURS. UGHHH.

If you find yourself with some excess cash and seriously want to deal with it, you should consider laser hair removal. It may not be truly permanent, but golly anything is better than shaving all the time. If waxing doesn't float your boat, try an epilator. It's like an electric tweezer.

Nov 25, 2014

Crystal H.

Not like it bleaches it or anything like that.

Nov 25, 2014

Crystal H.

That's so strange, I love Nair, it Always lasts longer than shaving for me... it makes the hairs thinner, therefore underarm skin lighter.

Nov 25, 2014

Kat R.

I also had a reaction to nair, just adding that in.

Nov 25, 2014

Hannah D.

*shocked at the number of girls who also had bad reactions from nair! I feel like so many ladies have (including myself) and I shave with baby oil but I don't think it makes my hairs grow back slower just my skin softer. I suggest exfoliating like other ladies said

Nov 25, 2014

Jasi O.

Awesome thanks mg:)

Nov 25, 2014

M G.

Yep same here Nair fd me up too. My advice to get a closer shave is to exfoliate with a suger scrub shave with a fresh razor, preferably man's razor they definitely work better and thn apply Eucerin intensive repair lotion. This is the method I found workd best to get a smooth shave that also last.

Nov 25, 2014

Jasi O.

Thanks anyways haha

Nov 25, 2014

Jasi O.

Yes me too! I have extremely sensitive skin and nair worked but the pain from it was crazy lol.

Nov 25, 2014

Shanae J.

I agree with the ladies above about baby oil and I've had the same experience a well, Nair burned my skin baaddd.

Nov 25, 2014

Jasi O.

I have heard shaving with baby oil makes your razor last longer and makes you legs smooth and the hairs don't grow back for a few days.
Has anyone tried it? Or have any other suggestions?
And don't say wax cause I can only do that in the winter when I'm not wearing shorts and dresses everyday, and if I'm not going out.
Thanks 😘

Not sure if this should be in skincare or beauty, please move if not don't delete.