Need help with my dry, flakey nose!


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Nov 21, 2014

Rissa G.

aquaphor for sure

Nov 21, 2014

Diana T.

Jojoba or any moisturizing oil usually works quickly for me.

Nov 21, 2014

M G.

What I found works good for my dry spots I exfoliate, green tea toner, jojoba oil and spf and it really really helps me. I personally wouldn't recommend coconut oil if you have sensitive skin or acne prone so other jojoba oil or argan oil would be best in my opinion.

Nov 21, 2014

Caroline A.

You should try coconut oil.

Nov 21, 2014

Roz X.

If you have it, Vitamin E. You could always break a capsule if you don't have a bottle of oil. Aquaphor is excellent for dry patches as well. Vaseline won't do anything but seal, rather than soothe. If you have a thick face can try applying that...then Jojoba an hour later if it's on hand. Hope you feel better soon.

Nov 21, 2014

Bailey G.

I caught a cold at work and had to spend the day using their crappy, generic Kleenexes. It made my nose red and raw, and the bottom is flakey and still kinda sore. What can I use to make my nose better? Vaseline? Extra moisturizer?

Bailey G.

Eau Claire, WI