Are these lice?!? *faints* remedy?!


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Sep 3, 2014

Alyx T.

PLEASE do NOT recommend using raid on a human. It contains extremely HARSH chemicals that even touching without gloves or breathing small amounts can literally lead to death if not treated right away. You are EXTREMELY lucky if you survived symptom free. I cannot even comprehend why your mother would think it could be a good idea to spray INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH bug KILLER spray on her child. If you reported that to social services you would have gotten taken away from her for child endangerment and pure stupidity. That is NOT even remotely okay. Even if it was just your hair. And do not be rude to Emily, her reaction is perfectly right and justified. Do you know how many people go to the ER from breathing that stuff in for 30 seconds? Or getting it on their hands and not being able to wash it off quick enough? And some of them die from it. From 30 seconds of exposure. DO NOT RECOMMEND DANGEROUS AND POISONOUS, LIFE THREATENING THINGS TO PEOPLE.

This is from the government poison alert site.

Industrial insecticides (raid), often found in household garages and greenhouses, contain many dangerous substances, including:

Paradichlorobenzenes (mothballs)

*****Note: Serious poisoning can occur from just touching the organophosphate without gloves or without washing hands soon after exposure. Large amounts of the chemical soak through the skin unless you are protected. Serious poisoning can occur from breathing in small amounts without a mask. Life-threatening paralysis and death can occur very quickly.******

Symptoms of pyrethrin poisoning:

Lungs and airways
- Breathing difficulty
Nervous system
- Coma
- Convulsions
- Irritation
- Redness or swelling

SYMPTOMS of organophosphate or carbamate poisoning:

Bladder and kidneys
- Increased urination
Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
- Increased salivation (drooling)
- Increased tearing
- Small pupils
- Abdominal cramps
- Diarrhea
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea
- Vomiting
Heart and blood
- Slow heart rate
- Lungs and airways
- Breathing difficulty
Nervous system
- Anxiety
- Coma
- Convulsions
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Weakness
- Blue lips and fingernails

SYMPTOMS of paradichlorobenzene poisoning:

- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Muscle spasms

Home Care
Seek immediate medical help. Do NOT make a person throw up unless told to do so by poison control or a health care professional.

If the chemical is on the skin or in the eyes, flush with lots of water for at least 15 minutes.

If the person breathed in the poison, immediately move him or her to fresh air.

What to Expect at the Emergency Room

The health care provider will measure and monitor your vital signs, including temperature, pulse, breathing rate, and blood pressure. Symptoms will be treated as appropriate. You may receive:

Activated charcoal
Breathing tube
Bronchoscopy -- camera down the throat to see burns in the airways and lungs
Endoscopy -- camera down the throat to see burns in the esophagus and the stomach
Fluids by IV
Medicine (antidote) to reverse the effect of the poison
Tube through the mouth into the stomach to empty the stomach (gastric lavage)
Surgical removal of burned skin (skin debridement)
Washing of the skin (irrigation) -- perhaps every few hours for several days
Outlook (Prognosis)
How well you do depends on the amount of poison swallowed and how quickly treatment is received. The faster you get medical help, the better the chance for recovery.

Swallowing such poisons can have severe effects on many parts of the body.

Sep 3, 2014

Patricia P.

Nope it works and as long as your careful and don't inhale it your fine. Like I said you don't put it all over your hair. Quick sprays only at the root. Of course if you did it yourself it would be messy and go into your eyes and all over your face.

Sep 3, 2014

Alyx T.

Oh my god I truly hope you're trolling right now or you really got brain damage from having this done to you. Breathing in tiny amounts can lead to death, and spraying it on your hair can quickly turn into severe burns on your scalp. Some burns even burn through so many layers of flesh revealing bone after 30 seconds of exposure.

Do not do this. Do not recommend it. There is a reason it is called POISON because it's POISONOUS and is LETHAL in TINY doses. I hope nobody who read it tries that. They could seriously be injured with permanent damage, or even die.

Sep 3, 2014

Emily W.

Patricia just stop. It works as well as running yourself over with a big rig works to make you skinny.

Lice shampoo costs $3 and WON't KILL YOU. Raid costs $7 and WILL FUCKING KILL YOU. Easy math, no?

I sincerely hope you never have children, interact with children, or even animals for that matter.

Sep 13, 2014

R K.

Thank you everyone for your support I got the shampoo and the kit itself and I got rid of the lice completely just trying to stay away from the kids.. So that I don't catch them again they are a nightmare to get rid of many thanks to you all for your help I apreciate it  💋💋💋💋💋💋💋