Skin help PLEASE


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Sep 1, 2014

Emily W.

There are a lot of things that could be causing issues. Washing too much can strip the skin. Using the wrong products can cause issues as well. Your diet can be a contributor, as is dehydration. Hormones are probably a factor as well.

You don't need to replace your makeup that often. Sanitizing it properly is easy and inexpensive. Make sure you sanitize your brushes. Throw out products after they expire (check the life on the package) or if you have an illness (things like conjunctivitis, impetigo, etc.).

Talking to a dermatologist will probably help, as they can see you firsthand and evaluate your skin much better than we can. Seeing an esthetician can also be helpful. You might want to see a gynecologist if you don't already and get started on a suitable birth control to help with your hormones. In the mean time, sanitize everything that touches your face (pillow, phone, makeup, brushes, etc.) and cut back the washing to evening only. In the morning just splash water on your face and use a gentle moisturizer.

Aug 31, 2014

Nina L.

Are you eating a lot of junk food? That can be breaking you out! Also maybe try a different foundation, it's possible that one is irritating your skin, oh and wash your makeup brushes!! ( if you use ) hope this helped!! DRINK LOTS OF WATER

Aug 31, 2014

sanjana T.

Google if you want 2 know about d product.

Aug 31, 2014

sanjana T.

Use Amway Artistry polishing scrub, moisturizer n toner.
even I had d same problem,though my skin is very sensitive it worked well for me.
I think you must try these products,as Amway is ranked in top 5 beauty brands.

Aug 31, 2014

Shiro M.

I would go see a derm. They can help you figure out what's best for your skin.

Aug 31, 2014

Emily M.

I would see a dermatologist about that.

Aug 31, 2014

Irys R.

I know as a teenager my skin is going to break out but mine is killing me!
I was my face twice a day (in the morning at night)
Face mask twice a week
Steaming face once a week
And I onto wear makeup from like 6:45-3:00PM
I rarely touch my face
Replaces my makeup once a month
Am I doing anything wrong?!?! Why is it braking out so bad?

Irys R.

wouldn't you like to know.