Bags Under Eyes


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Aug 25, 2014

Massiell C.


Aug 25, 2014

Olivia A.


Aug 25, 2014

Olivia A.

Umm...doing the cold spoon thing can do smthg weird to your capillaries. I wouldn't suggest doing thay.

Aug 25, 2014

Massiell C.

Freeze 2 spoons over night and in the morning right when you wake up apply them to both under eyes. I've been doing this alllll summer and omg, it has helped lighten them so much, makes me look more awake, amd they're less puffy too.

Aug 25, 2014

Emily K.

There really isnt much you can do, drink a lot of water, get the proper amount of sleep and eat healthy.

Aug 25, 2014

Rachelle F.

I saw a commercial that has something for bad bags under your eyes and my are really bad and I need help to get rid of them because school is in a few weeks. anyone help and give me suggestions.