Backless Braas Needed


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Aug 29, 2014

Arza Z.

I live in the UK and I'm currently in desperate need for some good quality backless bras as my dress doesn't have a back. Where can I find these?

Aug 29, 2014

Rissa G.

I don't think you guys have a Walmart? Hmm.. I believe I've heard it is called ASDA or something there? I'm not sure..anywho if that is correct, they have some!

Aug 29, 2014

Hannah K.

I'd check out Asda, Primark and La Senza:) Topshop might do some but they're so expensive.

Aug 29, 2014

Arza Z.

Thank you so much ladies ❤️

Aug 29, 2014

Arza Z.

Renay T. No we don't have Walmart unfortunately it seems to be the andwer to everything there oj the states