HORRIBLE flashback😓 help!


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Sep 20, 2014

Emily W.

Jacqueline is right, like always! When only certain places are blown out, it's a makeup issue (too much powder, minerals in makeup, etc.)

Another cause of flashback is a flash that is too strong or too close. This results in a white face with blown out features. In that instance, having the camera or flash unit (if a pro setup) farther from the subject will alleviate the issue.

Sunscreens, both chemical and physical, do not cause flashback in photography. This is a myth. It is said that because sunblock is created to reflect the sunlight away from the skin, it causes the flash to do the same. This is a basic misunderstanding of how sunblock operates, as well as how different kinds of light waves react. Sunscreen/sunblock reflects ultraviolet radiation, not artificial light. Otherwise any bright light would create a visible halo around someone's face/body.

Hopefully this helps everyone avoid the dreaded flashback!

Sep 20, 2014

Kyli B.

Buff buff buff! It's not a finishing powder.

Sep 19, 2014

Rachel M.

But now I know to use just a tad bit of the powder. I do have oily skin also that's prob why I wanted to use a lot more then I needed of the powder

Sep 19, 2014

Rachel M.

Thanks girls for the help but thank you so much Jacqueline that makes a lot of sense. I might of used too much then since I thought I had a lot of concealer on I should use the same amount of powder for it. Thankyou!

Sep 19, 2014

Yadira O.

You can still use that powder to set your whole face. Just make sure that you are using very little just dusting it on not patting or pressing.

Sep 19, 2014

Carsam R.

It is the translucent powder when you take flash photos with translucent powder on it will cause flashback just like sunscreen. Set your under eye and whole face with a yellow powder to avoid flashback

Sep 19, 2014

Rachel M.

To set the concealer*

Sep 19, 2014

Rachel M.


Sep 19, 2014

Rachel M.

Someone tell how can I get rid of this when I take pictures? I used the it cosmetics bye bye pores translucent powder for my under eyes to set it and I see this when I took a picture how can I prevent this from happening again?