Strange red spots on face?


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Sep 12, 2014

Jack B.

Hi all. The past couple of days I've had two large red spots on my face and I have no clue what they are. They're about the size of cystic acne, but there's no bump (not raised or below the skin) and they're not tender to the touch. When I get cystic acne there is always a very sensitive lump, so I'm pretty sure that's not what it is. I've never had a regular pimple so large or red, though. Plus, they seem to be getting larger for the last few days, and usually when I get acne they start at their largest and shrink day by day. I have been using BP 2% and a tea tree spot treatment, and neither have helped at all. My skincare routine hasn't changed in the past couple months. Any ideas what this is and how I can make it go away are greatly appreciated!

Sep 12, 2014

Ashley D.

I would probably say it's a bug bite.

Sep 12, 2014

Becky J.

If they're new and you've never had them before I would say a visit to your doctor might be in order. It's probably nothing but better to be on the safe side.

Sep 13, 2014

duffs g.

Is it secreting liquid? is your skin dry?

Sep 13, 2014

Emily W.

Stop the spot treatment. That isn't acne. Please see a doctor, as something like that could be the start of a skin infection or a symptom of something else.

Sep 13, 2014

Jack B.

Ashley- that makes sense, can't believe I didn't think of that! Here's hoping.

Duffs- no secretions, but it is a little dry. Any ideas?

Emily & Becky- yeah, I realized it wasn't acne the morning I took the picture. This morning it seems to be getting better. If it comes back or doesn't fully go away I'll head to the doctor - I'm hesitant because I have a strange fear of going, like I don't want to be a bother by going in for nothing.