My skin gets darker, help!


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Jun 22, 2014

Marleen B.

If it said it would do that, then I would just stop using it for a few days or however long it takes to calm down. Then resume after your skin calms down but use less product and don't use it as often as they say to use it. Also wait at least 30 mins after cleansing before applying any treatment products. Skin is really absorbent right after cleansing. These guidelines I have told you are same as the ones I have followed and advised others when using strong retinols & retin-A which I have used for 15yrs and am still using. These products have the same side effects. Causing burning, redness, peeling and even swelling when misused or overused. When you're skin gets to that point even the most gentle cleansers will burn the skin! I've seen cleansers that are labeled GENTLE or SENSITIVE but they still have loads of chemicals in them. Don't put anything on your skin while it heals. You can try a gentle cleanser (not the one in the acne kit) but be forewarned it may still burn, do a patch test and if it still burns, don't use it. I like Burt Bees Orange Cleanser (100% natural). There are also a couple of products I use to soothe my skin that are also 100% natural but even though most people do not break out from it, I can not vouch for everyone. They are 100% natural but both are kinda oily & greasy. I personally have never broken out using either one & I have slathered them on. One is Tarte Maracuja Oil & the other is Egyptian Magic Cream (which is actually a salve, not a cream). You can get a sample of the Tarte Oil at SEPHORA. Good luck and always read the ingredient lists.

Jun 22, 2014

Julia I.

Get fake tan on your body, or just use another product with the same working.

Jun 22, 2014

Ame S.

The regimen burnt your skin! you need to immediately stoo using this regimen and see a doctor. Meanwhile you could just use cold aloe juice applied gently to your face and nothing irritating, by no means should you use lemons, they're super acidic and will make the burn worse.

Jun 22, 2014

Sapphire K.

Turmeric will be much more gentle. Just use honey and water to get the turmeric into a paste. Also, I think maybe using it less often or using a soothing moisturizer could help.

Jun 22, 2014

Leslie N.

Um...lemon is waaaay too acidic for your face. Especially for acne prone skin.

Jun 22, 2014

Shannon S.

A mask will let the acidic part of the lemon slowly deep into pored and gradually change the complexion of the skin.
For a skin-lightening mask, mix together 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon tomato juice,1 tablespoon cucumber juice, and 1 tablespoon sandal wood paste into a paste. Apply to skin and let sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and moisturise. For a skin lightening mask for dry skin, mix together 1 tablespoon powdered milk, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and two drops of essential oil. Apply to skins leave for 20-25 minutes. Rinse with warm water and moisturise.Masks,exfoliant sand peels should be used sparingly, once or twice a week. Too much contact with skin-drying agents can cause excessive dryness or irritation.

Jun 22, 2014

Shannon S.

Cut a lemon in half, using only one half and saving the other. Be sure to put the unused half in a cool area,such as the refrigerator. Squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl. Poke small but deep holes in the lemon half with a knife. This will make it easier to squeeze the juice from it.
Use a cotton ball to soak up the lemon juice,rub the lemon juice onto the area you wish to lighten.
Leave for about 15-20 minutes before washing off. Always use a moisturiser after. Repeat this 2-3 times per week. If you feel the lemon juice is too harsh try diluting it to half strength with water before applying.

Jun 22, 2014

Kaitlin M.

Natural aloe will help soothe the skin

Jun 22, 2014

Frida T.

Yes, it says that you will get dry and your skin would may be red.. But it looks so horrible, so I just want to calm it down :)

Jun 22, 2014

Noel x.

Stop using it. did the product says it was goin to do that to your skin.

Jun 22, 2014

Frida T.

I began on the regimen from this friday, and my skin gets so dry and kind of darker, so my face looks darker than my neck, and it looks discusting.. It looks almost like a foundationline. What can I do to get my face to it's normal self?
It doesn't look so bad in the picture, but believe me, it looks 5 times worse in real life..