Keeping Hair Permanently Black.


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Feb 18, 2014

Aria R.

I used to dye my hair black. it started out wonderful, I loved it, but realised it faded OUT of my hair after like 2-3 weeks [and it was a permanent, store-bought dye] so.. I waited a bit, feeling confused, then dyed it again, only for it to do the exact same thing. the third time I tried it not only faded but broke my hair so I now had broken hair that always stuck up and looked awful. I later tried going to a professional, it stayed a bit longer but faded again.

its been over a year and my hair is healthy as can be now. I was just so confused as to why that happened to me when I look around me at school and I see girls with black hair that have their roots showing, as in the black didnt fade out of their hair, it stayed in and their hair just grew out naturally and now they just need a touchup. why did this happen to me and what do I do? I am thinking about trying black one more time.

Feb 18, 2014

Ashley D.

Maybe you didn't use the right shampoo or conditioner, or other products.needed for color treated hair.

Feb 18, 2014

Roz X.

My black is Pravana and has never faded..evah. Always shiny and rich. Avoid shampoos with sulfates.

Feb 18, 2014

Caitlin M.

I used to have this problem and I still have no idea why. I wouldn't say my hair was overly damaged but it would always seem like the color would fade very quickly and my friend who also dyed hers the same color would be able to have it stay jet black for weeks lol. I don't know what causes it except that maybe it could be damage not allowing the hair to grab onto the color. That or maybe some people's hair just naturally isn't as good at holding color. I'm definitely not a stylist and anything I do know is just what I learned from years of having my hair done and doing it myself with trial and error (which I don't always recommend lol.) Those are just my thoughts lol. I could be completely wrong, just sort of spitballing here.