Ear Cartilage piercing question.


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Mar 8, 2014

Luna R.

What do you call this specific type of piercing (circled in red)?

and for those who have one, how painful was it & what is recovery time? any problems with it?

( I don't have any other piercings, so this would be my only one.)

Mar 8, 2014

Shaye M.

Helix :)

Mar 8, 2014

Sam R.

Helix, not so painful ,takes a year to fully heal, prone to bumps but that can be cured

Mar 8, 2014

Cass F.

You hear a crunch when it goes through which is a bit creepy but doesn't hurt. I took mine out as it started to get a lump due to my hair constantly catching. I recommend getting it on the opposite side you favour when you sleep

Mar 8, 2014

Shaye M.

Be sure to get it done with a needle though, not a gun!

Wow I got mine done there and the pain was mortifying. I wear glasses and it's been nearly 2 weeks since and it still hurts. I can't sleep on that side and when people hug me and touch it I cry out in pain. I don't know if I'm just a whimp but it bloody hurts.

P.s I got mine done with a gun not a needle.

Mar 8, 2014

Sam R.

@ hibz.. don't sleep on it, it'll take longer heal, yeh it hurts for wks

Mar 9, 2014

Jane C.

It hurt for quite a long time and like others have mentioned, don't sleep on that side. I had my done with a gun and that part didn't hurt at all really...or I am not remembering correctly.

I can't sleep on it painful. It's healing thank god but I have this white bit around it. Like dead skin. Is that something I should go to the doctor about?

Mar 9, 2014

Shaye M.

I agree, it does hurt when you sleep on it until the tenderness goes away!

Mar 9, 2014

Shaye M.

And no you don't need to be worried @ Hibz, use rock salt dissolved in warm water and clean it and that excess skin should come off :)

Mar 9, 2014

Sam R.

@ jane, yeh the gun part don't hurt much
@hibz use sea salt, like a pinch in a cup of warm water and you can tilt your head in the glass to soak the piercing for 5-10 mins (easier if you lie down ), if you getting a bump use tea tree oil on it

Mar 9, 2014

Shaye M.

Get it pierced with a needle not a gun though!

Thanks ladies. It's really really itchy 😡😡😡. I shall use the sea salty tomorrow coz it's like 12:40am over here now xx