Eyebrow scar & filling in.


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Mar 11, 2014

Carson R.

So I've got a scar through my eyebrow, and maybe I'm just not very good and filling them in, or maybe I'm using the wrong thing, but it always looks kinda weird in that area. I don't really know where I'm going with this, but if you have any tips on how to make it look like I've got nice eyebrows, that'd be so cool. Thanks!

Mar 11, 2014

Jocelyn R.

My sister has a scar through her right eyebrow too and her eyebrows are amazing. I believe she uses the mac spiked pencil and it works fine for her :)

Mar 11, 2014

Jocelyn R.

Top filled, bottom not filled :)

Mar 11, 2014

fall V.

I tried spiked from Mac and worked rlly good and the shade was natural I just stopped buying it because I bearly have any brows so I would ran out of the product rather quickly and it just became to expensive. Right now I'm using elf brow kit and looking to purchase elfs Brown gel liner I heard it works good on brows.

Mar 11, 2014

Jocelyn R.

I use the elf eyebrow kit for everyday too, I use spiked on special occasions now lol

Mar 11, 2014

Carson R.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions! I've been using the Anastasia Beverly Hills brow genius kit, but I'll try some of your suggestions.

Mar 11, 2014

Marleen B.

I use the Anastasia Dip brow & before that came out I used a brown gel liner. I used a pointy stiff eyeliner brush and dotted it right onto the scar & then filled in the rest of my brows with a brow mousse or powder.