A few questions about beautylish?


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Feb 23, 2014

Hannah K.

1. no one can ask you questions on the FAQ section, it's up to you to notice what kinds of questions you're being asked, and post accordingly.
2. following someone means that you see their recent comments/likes/threads etc. if you go to "Your Notifications" and then to "Recent Activity."
3. no, the comment will not get deleted, but we would prefer that you add a bit of a description to make it easier for the person whose thread it is.

Feb 23, 2014

Moni K.

Just a few questions...
How do you view if someone's asked you a question on the FAQs part of your profile?
What does it mean to follow someone on here? Do I see all their posts or..?
If you reply to a thread with only a URL (no text/description) does the comment get deleted?

Feb 23, 2014

Moni K.

Thanks! Lol I always thought there was a FAQs button where people could ask you questions. Also the reason I was asking about the third question was because I posted a (beautylish article) URL and it got deleted..so I didn't know if that was the reason or not.

Feb 23, 2014

Hannah K.

Honestly, I'm not sure about that. Posts and threads "disappear" on here sometimes, but it's really unlikely that it was deleted with a purpose!

Feb 23, 2014

Saby T.

Hannah explained it all! and lol yea when I started to use BL I also wondered how the FAQ's part worked!? And maybe the thread got moved to other category :/

Feb 23, 2014

Grace C.

How do you add to the FAQ and about me parts of your profile.

Feb 23, 2014

Hannah K.

Grace, you have to do it via the website, beautylish.com.

Feb 23, 2014

Moni K.

Also when I comment on a thread how come it sometimes doesn't show up in the 'following' section? Thanks again!

Feb 23, 2014

Saby T.

That happens to me too.Just close the app and open it again.Uggh I hope they fix it! I ended up posting 4 posts one day bcz of tht!

Feb 23, 2014

Hannah K.

Sometimes threads don't show up on the app, I'm not really sure why that is, sorry!