Beauty Army - A new way to sample cosmetics!


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Sep 4, 2011

Vivian L.

Is this only for those living in the States, though?

Personally, I believe that is how everyone feels. You get this heightened "what could this be?" to this let down of "oh, that's what that was". I would pay $2 for zero disappointment. 

After you complete your beauty profile questions, your membership includes 6 sample, access to a community with user reviews, tutorials, video how-to's and personalized guru assistance for $12 monthly, unless you choose to "skip the month." You will have from the 1st of the month to the 5th to skip that month or select your samples. If you do not log in, to select your samples within that time frame, we'll select them for you based on your answers to your beauty profile. It's always personalized so you don't have to worry about getting samples that you can't or won't use.

The site is on schedule to go live at the end of this Month. Setting up your membership is as simple as completing a questionnaire which will be the aid Beauty Army will use if you fail to choose your samples.

That's right - you choose your own samples. Up to six (6) for only $12 monthly. When I say 'up to 6' I mean, if you only want 4, only take 4. It is a great way of reducing waste, from unused samples that are thrown away. (No, you can not choose 4 this month and 8 next month, it is simply up to six, monthly.)

The products are truly from Premier Brands (hence the $2 difference in cost from Birchbox) Once the Brand list is released, I will start to tweet the partners out!

I am waiting on the finalized information for the Friend Referral program as well as free kit conformation. As soon as I have those details I will post them here.

Thank you for your great questions and your patience with this exciting new start-up!

Sep 2, 2011

Mindy N.

Hi Nancy,

I just signed up and the site is "Coming Soon" so there is no info at all on the website - when will the site actually be up and running?. Please give us more details about how it works, friend referral links, etc. How do I know if my kit will be "on the house"?  

Is it an automatic monthly draft, like birchbox?

Hi Beauties! I am the new Social Media Coordinator for a new way to shop a sampling service and I am here to answer any questions that you might have - even if they are asking differences between Beauty Army and Birchbox.

Beauty Army will offer up to 6 samples (if you only want 4 than you only take 4) for $12 and the BEST part?

You choose your own deluxe size samples and build your own kit!!

Sign up early and your first kit is on the house!