I hate my eyebrows


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you have perfect eyebrows and that makeup is nice :)

Aug 2, 2011

Erica H.

I agree with everyone else. They look the same to me

Aug 2, 2011

Jeny W.

Thanks for the advice and compliments, this picture doesn't make them look too off but in some pictures they just look crazy lol.  :)

Aug 2, 2011

Drea L.

You're WAYY too critical. They look great!! - but I know what you're talking about becuase I have the same problem you do. My eyebrows are naturally not the same. You could use an eyebrow trimmer to define the top of the brow. Contrary to popular belief, it's ok to shape/trim the tops of the brows.
I define them with a trimmer & run a powder along the edges for a sharper look. :)

Aug 2, 2011

Jeny W.

my eyebrows

Aug 2, 2011

Jeny W.

Like it says I absolutely hate my eyebrows. I know eyebrows aren't supposed to be exactly alike, but mine are so completely different. When I take pictures face on I can't stand the way they turn out. One eyebrow is higher than the other, the ends are sparse and spread out, they just look wonky. I am not quite sure what to do about them. Does anyone have any advice.