Dissapointing Drugstore Mascara?


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I totally agree with you! I have tried both of those and really did not like them. Honestly those are the two drug store ones I would tell everyone to stay away from.

Dec 18, 2011

Alyssa R.


ugh, I can't understand why I bought this. The wand was so spiky and felt like I was applying mascara with a boar bristle brush. There was barely any mascara that came up on the wand to apply so I was basically enduring pain for nothing. I just really have nothing nice to say about it.

Ladies, please. If you use this and it works for you, I commend you. But please be cautious for those who haven't purchased this. You have been warned. lol.

Dec 18, 2011

Danica Y.

I was thinking about buying the L'Oreal Voluminous False Lashes mascara today! Good thing I saw this post, now I can save my money for something better.
I find Covergirl Lash Blast to be so disappointing! There was so much hype about it, people saying it's the best drug store mascara. It hardly lengthed my lashes at all; it made them look stubby. And don't even get me started on LashBlast Fusion. HORRIBLE! It made my lashes clumpy and was even worse than the original lashblast.
But I must say L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes is my absolute favorite mascara ever! I always get compliments how long my lashes look when I wear it. So, its bumming to hear that the new mascara isn't as good. :/

Dec 18, 2011

Samantha G.

covergirl's lashblast, rimmel's sexy curves, maybelline colassal

i'm in a love/hate relationship with l'oreals voluminous carbon black because it's a great mascara but it smudges like mad anytime its near moisture (teary eyes, sweat, etc). i'd grab the waterproof but wp mascaras don't do nice things to my lashes

Dec 15, 2011

Amanda J.

Covergirl Exact Eyelights mascara. It doesn't really do anything, and is a pain in the ass (excuse my french) to get off. Not to mention it is extremely clumpy and flaky! I've never had a mascara flake before this one! Such a waste of money. Do Not Buy It. Of course the one I bought was waterproof, so that might be the problem... >.<

Dec 15, 2011


The Stiletto mascara was AWFUL for me! I love Maybelline Falsies, though. I pair it with Too Faced Deluxe Lash Injection and get the results I want between both ;)

There was this Prestige mascara I'm not a fan of. It's Mousse... something. You rarely see it in Rite-Aid stores. I only saw one tube (that I bought) and took it back. It did nothing. It was bad.

Dec 13, 2011

I found Rimmel Astonishing Lashes (the one in the orange tube) to be very disappointing. It didn't live up to many of its claim by boosting volume.. The only decent thing it did for my lashes was seperate them and I couldn't get a decent pigmentation.. so to speak. My lashes were coming up as a faint dark grey and I have naturally long yet straight lashes and I just feel like this mascara just weighed my down :/

Dec 12, 2011

Jane A.

I really like L'oreal's mascaras (well the ones that I have tried). I really like L'Oreal Telescopic (the wand needs some getting used too), and Voluminous in Carbon Black (although I haven't tried the "Volumious Millions" or whatever mascara)

I think my eyes are sensitive because if I'm not careful some mascaras make my eye itch. So if I'm wearing mascara at work, I have to suffer thee entire work day before I can wash it off. So far I'm allergic to MUFE mascara, Maybelline... And others I can't think of at this second. 

@Zoe Lol not exactly puffy. They make my eyes feel huge (it's a strange sensation- can't exactly describe it. Let's just say that never in my life have I felt more like tweety bird lol)

Dec 12, 2011

Lorena C.

I have never tried the Rimmel Day2Night but I love their original Sexy Curves.
For some reason the Revlon one just never caught my attention so I can't say about those.

Dec 10, 2011

Zoe C.

@Manolita, do you mean you get puffy eyes when you wear their mascaras? You're probably allergic to an ingredient in them, so it's wise to stay away from them xD

At the moment, I'm using Revlon grow luscious mascara. It's an ok mascara just not great. I stay away from Max Factor's mascaras. I use their foundation and concealer (and they are great, especially the concealer) but for some reason I get huge eyes and enormous headaches whenever I wear any of their mascaras :/ ...

Dec 10, 2011

Zoe C.

@Terra I have Rimmel Day2Night and I think it's amazing! My only itch with it is that sometimes if you put on too many layers it can get kinda clumpy, but that's kinda handy in a way because it's almost it's way of telling you 'stop - you don't want spider lashes' xD

I have both of the Revlon Grow Luscious mascara's, and I really liked the plumping one... not as much as the original but I do really like it. I didn't find that it made my lashes clumpy at all, it made them super dark and very long. Really Terra? It was that bad? I LOVE that mascara! I think it's amazing and everyone I know that has it just loves it! I'm being totally honest, I've never really used a drug store mascara that I really didn't like. I've pretty much only used ones by Revlon and they are my favourites! 

Dec 10, 2011

Alexis W.

the Revlon Double Twist mascara. that stuff was terrible, it made my lashes very clumpy and i didn't like brush either. also CoverGirl Lash Blast Length. that did nothing for my lashes. 

I tried the Revlon Grown Luscious Plumping mascara are it was horrible. Which is such a disappointment because I Love the regular revlon grown luscious mascara. The Plumping one was totally different (even though it's practically in the same exact tube and packaging!) it left my eye lashes clumpy and what not.
Anyways- the regular grow luscious is amazing for anyone who hasn't tried it I recommend it but stay away from Plumping! 

i was not impressed with lash stilleto from maybelline....i tried it when it first came out (before i found beautylish) because everyone was going crazy for it...i hated it. it smelled awful and was extremely clumpy....a big waste of 8 bucks since i threw it out...i couldnt use it.

Dec 9, 2011

Zoe C.

I don't understand Maybelline. They're hyped up as the UK's number one brand for mascaras, but they're really clumpy and flake within an hour. Everyone has told me the same thing, how are they number one? xD

Anything from L'Oreal, Covergirl and Maybelline (in terms of mascara) have been fails for me.

Dec 9, 2011

Lorena C.

Ok so I recently bought the L'Oreal Voluminous False Lashes mascara, because I love the Million Lash, but it was an epic fail. It's probably one of my worst drugstore mascaras.

I have found so many that are super hyped up and fail at impressing. I'm curious as to what mascara others find to be disappointing.

What mascaras would you tell your friends to stay away from and why?

As for me, the Voluminous False Lashes clumps up like mad, doesn't hold a curl, and smudges easily when I wear it.

For a full review and comparison of the two, check out my video here -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0Yvgtp2cog
and don't forget to let me know what mascaras you keep away from!