Does Argan Oil Work?


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Dec 20, 2011

Jasmine H.

thank you i couldn't believe how well it worked.
well i usually just after a shower towel dry my hair and use 2 pumps all over avoiding the roots :) and days in between washes just use it on the ends :)

Dec 19, 2011

Jazmine G.

Oh wow, that's incredible. How exactly do you use it? 

Dec 17, 2011

Jasmine H.

this photo was not taken near my ends it was near my roots! that's how damaged it was! it made me want to cry:'(

BUT after 3 months my hair was 1000000000000000 times better!

Dec 17, 2011

Jasmine H.

it works, my hair was breaking up to the roots and it would have more than one split in a strand (didn't know that was even possible) i couldn't use any heat on it otherwise it would crisp off and break ( i couldn't even brush my hair it broke so much :(!! ) but you can see the results in the picture im about to post.(by the way my hair was home bleached for 2 years!)

i want to know if you have tried it? has it worked? and is there any other thing that does the same job? or even better:)

hope this helped anyone who has the same hair problems as i did<3<3