Balding Eyebrows?


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Hey there! I have a question. Is it common for eyebrows to bald? I've always had super full brows and dont ever overpluck but ive noticed lately that my right eyebrow is balding in the middle! and its only on my right brow! Am I doing something wrong? Also is there any tips on regrowing if its even possible? Thanks ladies!!! <3 <3 <3


If you fill in your brows with a pencil often it may be pulling your hair out.. I know that it does for me. Or if you put too much pressure on it while washing/ scrubbing your face. Also, sleeping on your eyebrows really messes with them, it even effects the direction they grow.

Products such as latisse that are used to make your eyelashes grow can be used on your eyebrows as well but I've heard it takes a little longer to work on your eyebrows.

You can always fill it in with powder until you get it to grow back. And you can try a clear mascara/gel for eyebrows to try to comb the hair in place to cover the balding spot.

Mar 17, 2012

Amanda L.

I agree with Brittany, brows can be tricky and thin out from the simplest things. I have a little scar in one of mine and I fill it in with a pencil then use clear mascara to hold my hair around the scar in place and cover it. Also something else to think about if you notice more thinning, and maybe thinning in your hair line you might want to get a check up from the dr. Lots of things cause eyebrow loss. I went through menopause in my teens, so my body quit making estrogen and progesterone and my brows got thin before I started htr in my late 20's. Also thyroid issues almost always thin out the brows. Just something to think about if you notice it getting worse. It is most likely sleeping on it wrong, or maybe something rubbed there just long enough to make a little bald spot (like exfoliating your skin and scrubbing around the brows too hard).

Mar 17, 2012

April A.

I've actually heard that Vaseline will make your eyebrows grow back. Just be careful to not get it in your eyes. I heard it does great things for your lashes too. I haven't tried it yet, but I want to because I sleep on my side and as a result of that my eyebrows have thinned on the sides only, haha.