Starting a Blog?


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Feb 16, 2012

Nikki F.

Only im not sure where to start... There are so many, what do ye think is the best and where should i start? Any comments or advice will be very welcome! :D

There are so many blogs out there, Im assuming you want to do a beauty or fashion blog? Just start with what you know and what you want to write and post about. Try not to compare your blog too much to others bc you want yours to be original and from you. (if that makes any sense lol). Do you know what kind of blogging platform you want to use? There's blogger, wordpress, tumblr and a few others? If you have anymore questions I would be happy to answer them :)

Feb 18, 2012

Nikki F.

Thanks kelly, im not sure what platform to use but im going to look at the ones you mentioned! :D

Feb 18, 2012

Robyn S. is great, I use it for my blog and I let google advertise on it and I get paid for it!

Feb 18, 2012

Kerrie B.

I havent checked into the advertising, is that adsense you use robyn?

Feb 18, 2012

Kerrie B.

Nikki, blogger is pretty good but right now im finding it fustrating as ive created several pages and all my blogs are showing on the home page and i want them ONLY on their seperate pages, and i here theirs no way to fix that..just fyi if you want to add pages.

wordpress is good but i couldnt figure it out, well i couldnt get it to load.

i suggest you make a blog, dont have to get too detailed on a few sites for a week or so then decided which one you like. theirs a place called where you can get cute graphics and html code for a background ( you can changed your blogger background if you ADD A GADGET and select ADD HTML code...then you copy paste a code you find into that box.... hope that helps. 

Feb 18, 2012

Robyn S.

Yeah I use adsense, just started using it so we'll see how it works and how much money you can make from it.

Feb 18, 2012

Nikki F.

Thanks everyone! I just started a tumblr one so im gonna see how that goes! :D

May 5, 2014

Sarva C.

Follow the steps below to create your own blog :

1. Register your domain name
2. design your blog
3. host your blog
First of all, You need to choose a perfect domain name for your blog. It should be short and meaningful. It should be related with your blog content. After selecting a domain name, you have to register it with any of the domain providers like Design your blog by using blog design software/tool and host it to any of the hosting providers in the world to make your blog public in the internet.