Eye Exfoliator


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Feb 5, 2012

Bella P.

Hello, Beauties!

I was wondering if you could answer my question. Is it safe to exfoliate my eyelids and skin around (beneath the lower lashline where the bags are formed)? And if it is safe, what exfoliators do you recomend?

Feb 5, 2012

Paula M.

Hi Bella!
I think that eyes are very neglected when it comes to exfoliating. It is absolutely safe to exfoliate, carefully, around your eyes. If you are not prone to broken capillaries try a small amount of a manual microdermabrasion cream, hold the skin and gently polish the area. Use your pinky and very light pressure with small circular motions. Your eyelid can be tricky, proceed with caution...just sweep across the lid to avoid getting crystals in your eye. You could even use a bit of baking soda as a light scrub, it can be a bit drying though so only use it once a week.  


Feb 5, 2012

Bella P.

Thank you, Paula! I believe in exfoliation LOL so why not the skin around the eyes too, right? 

Feb 6, 2012

Gabrielle M.

Hmm. Eye exfoliation...that's something I've never thought of before lol. 

Feb 7, 2012

Sofia C.

I always exfoliate the part of my under eye region that's prone to getting milia/roughness..idk if it's just me, but it really does help just like exfoliating any other skin. as far as the thinner parts closer to the actual eye and the eyelid, I barely even moisturizer. I feel like it replenishes itself. But all these suggestions are great, I believe in exfoliation too. 

Feb 10, 2012

Shelley W.

Wow. This is a new one. That area is so thin I would be concerned about premature aging and making dark circles worse. 

Feb 10, 2012

Bella P.

@SofiaC I know!! That´s why I want to exfoliate that area too. I have milia and roughness in the corner of my eyes and they extend all the way to the middle part of my eye (lower lash line). So instead of dark circles I have milia hahahhahah

So I´m looking for a safe gentle eye exfoliator. I love Clarins lip scrub, and thought they had an eye exfoliator but don´t.

You guys know of any?

Feb 10, 2012

Ning C.

Talika makes a Gentle Eye Scrub that's specifically designed for the delicate area. I haven't tried it, but Talika specializes in eye products (I love their Lipocils lash growth serum) so I'd trust it.

Feb 14, 2012

Bella P.

Thank you, Ning!!! I will try to find it and try it. 

Feb 14, 2012

N D.

I think it would totally depend on your skin type. I know for certain my eye area could not take it. But if yours can, I'd start out as gently as possible. Maybe try a chemical exfoliator like something with BHA rather than a manual abrasive. Be careful and good luck!

Feb 26, 2012

Christine C.

try mixing some natural sugar and honey, just a tiny little bit.
that way you know exactly what ingerdients youre putting so close to the eye (because its a heat source and all and will attract the products)
the sugar will do the scrubbing and the honey will do the moisturizing
1-2x/week, plain and simple:)

Feb 26, 2012

Christine C.

can even put it in the fridge for a bit so its nice and cool to help with bags

Feb 27, 2012

Shalini S.

Lovely discussion even I have milia around my left eye and i believe exfoliating would be the best way to get rid of them

Apr 23, 2012

Jessica G.

I say yes to exfoliation but if that seems to harsh for you eye area then try an alternative maybe an eye cream with a glycolic will help you just put it on and it will exfoliate the skin on its own!!

Apr 26, 2012

keri k.

interesting i have never though abut getting an exfoliator for the eyes since it's such a sensitive area

Apr 27, 2012

Sonia D.

Wow... I know it has to be an exfoliate maybe extra gentle... we tug, wax, and makeup remove all the time I feel the eye area is delicate for some scrubbing at least for me. This is a new one. That area is so thin I would be concerned about premature aging. Also when we makeup remove, I feel we take a lil of our dead skin with our eyeshadow ... IDK thats just me ;)