Needs to Gain Weight


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Jan 5, 2012

Shelley W.

I have the same exact problem despite giving birth to three kids. The best way to gain weight...and it be healthy and not fat is by working out. Along with eating a high protein diet. Watch the carb intake actually because you don't want to pop up with diabetes. I lift weights which gives me healthy weight gain. You don't need to be hardcore about it like I am (I'm actually in training for a bikini fit contest where muscle definition is a must) but once you start working out you will crave the healthy protein foods like chicken and beef as that is what your body needs to gain healthy weight. I could go on and on but then this post would get super long. If you're interested in getting it the healthy way just send me an email and I can give ya a more detailed diet and exercise plan to reach you goal. I'm not connected to any company who pitches a program....just a chica who is speaking from experience. But I can't stress enough to not gorge out on the carbs and sugars.I did that and ended up experiencing pre-diabetes symptoms. Good luck. 

Do you have trouble gaining? Can you eat anything basically? I wish I had your problem. I would love to looooose lol. I will give you some of my weight lol

Dec 30, 2011

Dallina N.

Hey everyone! I wanted to know if anyone new anyone new any good tips to gaining weight or foods that will help me gain? Thanks!!

Dallina N.

New York, New York