Nude lipsticks


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Oct 5, 2011

Bella P.

Hey beauties! I was wondering if you could help me with something. Im looking for several great nude lipsticks for fair skin. Im an NC25.
Thank you!!

Tarina Tarentino in Leatherette mixed with MAC Viva Glam gloss V is amazing! Also line the lips with Spice lip liner from MAC. Also try Fleshpot from MA. It's back for a limited time. Since your skin is so fair opt for a nude with a little pink or peach in it. It will add life to your lips instead of making you look like a corpse!

That's Fleshpot from MAC...

I learned that the more pale you are the more pink undetone your lipstick should be, and the darker your skin the more blue undertone on the lipstick...
just something I learned, but I really don't have many lipsticks myself :-/

I like to use the MAC chromagraphic pencils, MAC Lust lipgloss or Kat Von D just depends on the skintone and lip color. Hope this helps!

Oct 7, 2011

Nadya C.

I love MAC's myth too.....but i know it has white undertones, and if you are fair skinned you might want to get something with pink undertones, like Antonio and karma B said.....hope this helps! I absolutely love nude lips!

Oct 7, 2011

Bella P.

Thank you all! Actually I've been meaning to try Myth and Fleshpot for a while... I will let you know what I buy ;)

Oct 7, 2011

Lisa U.

I'm not sure where you're from, but if it's the UK Kate Moss has a new collection and has a lovely nude colour. Also ELF do a really nice one :)

Oct 8, 2011

MAC - honey love ma fav :)

Jaelin E.

Oct 9, 2011

Jaelin E.

The MAC lipstick Fleshpot, Lady Gaga Viva Glam II, Hue, Myth, Blankety, and Creme d'Nude are all of my reccomended nudes ♥

Jul 28, 2013

Kelly P.

I'm loving MAC's Blankety with MAC Gel over it. So beautiful!