Feeling Really Grateful


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Hello, Everybody!

This isn't necessarily a beauty post, but beauty is a factor...

I am just feeling really grateful this week. I wake up feeling it, I don't know why. I guess it's sort of like everything is falling into perfect place and order.

Of course, I feel really grateful for my family, my wonderful friends (this is partly beauty related, I am making so many great friends who share my interests both on Beautylish and on YT), my pets, my business. But it's even more than that-I just feel really thankful that I have a comfortable life and all that goes with it.

Oh, and I am really grateful for things like glitter, mascara, and lip gloss hehe

What are you thankful/grateful for?


Oct 13, 2011

Tessa C.

I'm very grateful for being able to go to a university, get an amazing education, and be closer to accomplishing my career goals (of which have little to no relation to beauty...though if I ever find a way to combine biotechnology and beauty, i'd be one happy worker!)

Beauty wise? Super grateful for brands like NYX and Wet N Wild that produce amazing, pigmented products that are inexpensive! 

Those are all wonderful things to be grateful for! You never know, you could find the perfect way to combine them ;) and yes, I am also grateful for NYX and WNW!
