What do ladies of Beautylish think of feminized males


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Oct 19, 2013

Lara W.

Hey, for me I love it too, I wanted to be more fem ever since eight years old, unfortunatley my parents found I was dressing and it surpressed it untill I was sixteen, after I left home, I was free but just behind closed doors, society still isnt ready for trans people, its such a shame, I feminized myself with hormones secretly, I just wanted to feel just like a girl and couldnt wait for my coming out day, so eventually I couldnt really hide certain things any more and decided to tell everyone, the biggest downside was losing all my friends and family, exept my sister and thats who keeps me going, she was and still is my idol.l and I'm very happy. :)

Oct 3, 2011

Drea L.

I love -love- love drag queens till the point where certain queens influence my makeup.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with feminine men. Whether you're a crossdresser, a transexual, an entertainer, etc - NOTHING wrong. They're just as much of a human being as men who get down & dirty with cars & tools & I HATE how much people in the media try to tell us otherwise.

So my answer? #1 - Bravo!

Oct 3, 2011

Lisa U.

1 & 3.

I like to wear what I like, have piercings and wear make up in different ways, why should it be any different for men? I think it's up to each individual what they wear/do. etc. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters :) 

Oct 3, 2011

Jackee M.

I say 1-3!! If this is what makes you happy, go for it! Life is too short to not be happy!!!  

Thanks, Heather, that's sweet of you to say (: I love how someone can experiment and grow with their styles, yet still remain the same person in the end. 

That's awesome Dylan! That's great that came out at a young age, you experimented and that have found what you are most comfortable with. Lord knows that I've done quite a bit of experimenting throughout the years and I still love trying new and bold things with my style.

I used to be a little tomboy when I was younger, wearing boys clothes and people always calling me a him. I think I even wished I was a boy as well. While I still act a little like a trucker at times, I have really become more girly as I have aged. 

To each their own, in the vernacular.

I've gone through quite a few phases in my femininity, and I think that's how you find yourself. After coming out at 14, I kind of had a breaking out, "Britney" phase if you will- colouring my hair blonde, nail polish, basically feminizing whatever aspect of my life I could, simply because I could without being afraid. I would cross dress for halloween, I wore heels to prom and grad, just to mess with everybody. I was testing my boundaries.

Throughout the years I've found that I've calmed it down quite a bit. My makeup skills have vastly improved so now I don't just look like a boy wearing makeup, and my nail art has surpassed just one coat of colour so now it's not "Omg that boy is wearing nail polish" it's "Holy wow, look at that guy's nail polish!" which always makes me feel good (: And my style has matured quite a bit, in my opinion. I definitely still identify myself as a feminine man, but I've found my comfort zone, my happy medium.

Just because I like nail polish and makeup doesn't mean I want to be a girl, it just means I know what I like. It shouldn't matter, whether it's at my level, Andrew's, or yours, Nina. Celebrate your individuality.

Another Ru Paul quote, upon being asked what she thinks about gays saying she is misrepresenting their community:
“Bitch, we ain’t trying to represent you. We’re just doing our thing…How about you represent yourself and we’ll represent ourselves?”

Oct 3, 2011

Nina P.

A very touching story Stephanie. I'm a little different. Yes, I'm a girl psychologically, there is no doubt about that. I'm much more girl inside, but I have a male side also. The difference now is the woman I work with weekly has freed the girl inside. She is allowed out but so is he. I'm love dressing, shopping, interacting with females. I'm a girls-girls but I'm not a women trapped inside a man's body. I'm have both sides free now and I feel so blessed, happy, and excited. Life is so much more fun now 

1. All the way.

I have a patient that is now female, well...not all the way anatomically, but is living as a female for the most part. The only time she dresses male is around her son, because he is not comfortable with his farther's "choice".

I am going to be completely honest here. In the beginning, I did not get it. I thought it was a choice, as well. But in getting to know her, and to hear her stories of what it has been like to live a life in a body that is opposite of who you really feel you are, I cannot imagine what that is like. I am a woman, I get up and dress, act, speak, live as a woman. I am fat, so I guess people could judge me for that--but really, so what? You know? I'm still cute. ;)

Can you imagine what it's like to be stared at, ridiculed, and judged every time you left the house? I don't think it's a choice many would or could make. My patient lived as a man for forty years to avoid these things. But, in a pretty painful process emotionally, she decided that she just couldn't live a lie anymore.

What a difference it's made! She and her wife came over to my house a few weeks ago, and I did their makeup. I shared some of what I know, particularly about airbrushing--and they were so appreciative. She later said to me how nice it was that I took that time--and how it's nice to be around someone she can be herself around. Too bad her son doesn't get that. I am hopeful that it will work out in time. This situation has taught me so much!


Oct 3, 2011

Nina P.

Yes heather I work with a dominant woman but she turned me into her girl. Until I started working with her, I never realized that psychologically I'm a girl and have been my whole life. Many "sisses" lock up the girl inside. She is now unleashed, free, and wonderfully happy 

Whatever rocks your boat! I wear what I want to wear, I am who I want to be and I do whatever feels most natural to me. I just wish that most people were not so absorbed in what other people do and focus more on their own happiness.

@Andrew - a lot of the "sissies" (a BDSM term) who are submissive to dominate women are transgendered. Many have women lock them up so they can feel more feminine. 

Oct 3, 2011


@Nina P. You're welcome! ;)

Oct 2, 2011

Nina P.

oh Terra you make me feel so awesome...thank u Nikki...yes Andrew we are different but fine with me

Oct 2, 2011

Nikki B.

I think gender roles are BS, whether your a man in makeup and a skirt or a woman in work boots and men's cloths, it shouldn't matter. People should always be open and free to express them selves. If your true to who you are then people will like and except you.  

Oct 2, 2011

Nina P.

thank you Korie

Oct 2, 2011

Korie S.

I really don't mind because theres no set rules/boundaries to what people do with their lives. Just do whatever makes you happy! It really shouldn't bother other people because it has nothing to do with them, they should just worry about themselves. 

Oct 2, 2011

Nina P.

ah...thank you Steff J. Yes, Yasmin it is their business but I like to interact with females when I'm dressed this way and want to see if they are okay with it. It is respectful to not push yourself on anybody. When I get feedback like Steff just gave me, I feel so accepted. I'm going to be dressing in female attire no matter what anybody says but knowing some girls find it adorable makes it even better !!!

I'll have to post photos soon

If a man wants to wear makeup or feminine clothes that's his business. If he wants to become a drag queen again his (well her) business. Like I tell my children, it's not my life and the only thing that matters is making yourself happy because no one else on this planet is responsible for your own happiness. I like what RuPaul has said, "it's none of my business what other people think of me" because it's true. Everyone is going to have an opinion or be judgmental, who cares because that's their opinion and judgement and you can't please everyone nor should you. Only person in your life that REALLY matters is yourself because if you can't make yourself happy then no one around you will be happy either. 

Oct 2, 2011

Steff J.

Numbers 1 through 3 for me. I think it's adorable. :)

Oct 2, 2011

Nina P.

thank you DJ M. and Raisa C. for replying. it makes me feel welcome doing something I now find impossible to resist

Oct 2, 2011

Rai C.

I agree with what she said. :) 

Oct 2, 2011


I absolutely think everyone should do what makes them most confident! :)

Tweet me! @DoriaJM

Oct 2, 2011

Nina P.

I love being a feminized male. Care to express your views or feelings on feminized males?

(1) Bravo
(2) I think it's cute
(3) to each their own
(4) not my cup of tea
(5) go away please

After some response all I can say is "Wow, the ladies of Beautylish are so supportive. Thank you all so much. It feels awesome" 

Nina P.

USA : East Coast