Do you have dry skin?


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A few tips to help your dry/itchy unwanted skin that comes with the cooler months!

1. Don't shower or wash hands in HOT water. The hot water takes the moisture out of your skin!
2. Apply lotion immediately after showering and washing hands. My mom has the softest skin ever, she swears the reason she has this is b/c she never completely dries off after a shower, she mixes the lotion with the damp skin. Worth a try?!
3. Antibacterial soap in public places can be harsh on hands too. Also, using Olive Oil can help keep your cuticles soft!
4. Try to use body wash instead of bar soap.
5. Dry feet? Put on a thick lotion or whatever you got on at bedtime and layer with some heavy duty thick socks, and sleep in this over night. Your feet will feel softer in the morning!
6. New studies show that taking Omega 3 fish oil pills may help skin stay hydrated.

For more tips check out my blog! =)

Have a great day guys!!

Oct 18, 2010

Nancei V.

Great tips Michelle!

I have dry skin
For me what I do is I put nivea cream all over my face.
It usually is meant for dry skin.

amazing tips. THanks so much :) 

Oct 20, 2010

Meghan M.

thanks for this!

Oct 20, 2010

Liana B.

great tips! i have dry skin too and it's so annoying! one of my bad habits is taking extremely hot showers, to the point of scalding! i totally know this is not good for my skin but it feels sooo good :)
i found this lotion that smells so good and it makes my skin soo soft!

Oct 21, 2010

Luna V.

These all sound pretty helpful! I try to apply moisturizer every time I wash my hands, and I compulsively moisturize immediately after showering, but I have a hand sanitizer habit that needs to be broken. :C Now that weather is getting cooler, I'm realizing exactly how super-drying all my sanitizing is.

I totally have to put moisture on IMMEDIATELY after the shower or my skin feels sooooo itchy! 

These are great tips.. lately I've been scratch a lot especially after showers and I love hot showers x.x so now I know not to shower so much in hot water.