How to tell a friend her makeup is a little off?


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Sep 24, 2010

Christina T.

I love my best friend but the girl wears her foundation two shades too light! When she takes photos, it's even more noticeable! Her application is flawless but her shade is way off. I don't want to come off being mean but I just can't quite figure out the best way to tell her. Any suggestions on how to break it down in a nice way? 

Sep 25, 2010

Tina J.

I always suggest they just "try and see how this one looks" and then once they get a better product on tell them I think that one may surprisingly look better. There's no easy way to do it.

Sep 25, 2010

Nancy C.

i know someone like that too! maybe we have the same friend =p

I think Tina is right! One can take the friend shopping and ask them to try something that actually fit them well and once they have applied it you must compliment it so they feel good about themselves with this new product! 

Most of my friends know how passionate I am about makeup these days, so I'd just let them know the next time we were hanging out in person. It's a common mistake, even for veterans.. I know I'd appreciate getting that kind of feedback (even if it's initially embarrassing) - so that's how I give it.

As a friend it is your duty to help out. I would try doing their makeup for them first and if that doesn't change things, just be upfront, you would want someone to do that for you. If she's your true friend, she will be thankful to you.

Sep 27, 2010

Elize M.

I completely agree with Tina.. Suggest a new one and when they try it tell them how much betters it looks. 

Sep 28, 2010

Christina T.

Thanks for all the great suggestions ladies! I'm going shopping with her this weekend so I'll make sure to swing on by Sephora :D

Sep 28, 2010

Romee H.

Straight forward! Take some pics at night-out naturally and show her, so she can see herself ^^ it kind of happened to me before. When I started putting make-up I thought I look good but my sis kept telling me I look a like a ghost. I didn't listen to her cause I thought she was jealous of me. One day she show me family dinner pic! I was shock! I did not realize how white my face was LOL sometime trues hurt, but better to fix sooner than later...  

sometimes they know that they wear two shades lighter but they insist wearing it. I observe some girls in Hong Kong are like that. It seems so common for them to wear lighter foundation because they think they look better in that. When I went to the beauty counters in Hong Kong and looked for foundations, the beauty advisor asked " do you it natural or do you what it look lighter?" it seems it is their norm........Shopping with friend is definitely a nice way to show your love :D

Oct 15, 2010

Chanel W.

There is a girl at work whose makeup is off EVERY day. I finally couldn't take it anymore and pulled her to the side and gave her a few tips. She was very appreciative. Now everyday when she comes in she ask me how her makeup looks.

Oct 20, 2010

Meghan M.

I told my sister in law that I wanted to give her a makeover! She always had a line of concealer from bottom of her face to her neck! So I gave her the makeover and she loved it and ended up doing it just as I said..and blending they way I showed her! Never had a problem after that!

Since I am an makeup addict and everyone that I associate with know this, everyone automatically ask me what do I think about their makeup. I always tell them the truth if it's horrible, looks likes a mask or they did a flawless job. I like to see everyone look flawless and would even tweak the makeup a little : ) helping out : )