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Since I'm sick right now, caught a lovely cold I figured that we could discuss out beauty routines when we are sick. So my fellow Beautylishers, what do you change about your makeup when you're sick? Personally I use more moisturizer around my nose and less foundation.

I have been sick for 2 weeks nothing but lip gloss or lip butter and i hide through my eyeglasses. of course i dont work but when i need to buy something or take my girl to the bus stop ect.
other than that sleep. i hope you feel better sweetie
hey did u ever make your palette?

Dec 15, 2010

Erin Z.

oh god I'm right there with you! I actually lost my voice today, but it started on sunday with a terrible cough/cold and lost of sneezing, sore throat. This one is a real bitch of a cold.

For me, my nose gets so raw I actually cant use moisturizers because they burn the raw skin around my nose. I use either burt's bees chapstick (yep, chapstick works WONDERS) OR my secret weapon when it's REAALLLY sore and my lips and nose are REALLY chapped, I'll go for udder cream. Farmers used to use it for Cow teats which get raw and sore.

You can buy it at the drug store, and they have organic options at Whole Foods. It's amazing. 

I love Udder Cream! It's a nursing mom's best friend. I haven't used it in years though (my youngest are 7) but you're right, it's really good for chapped skin. Inexpensive too. I know Target and Walmart sell it for $7 or less.

Dec 16, 2010

Erin Z.

nice i didn't even consider it for nursing, but that makes perfect sense. My mom showed me it when I got SUUUUPER sick about 4 years ago and it's been my go to resource ever since.

When I still have to function despite how sick I feel, my makeup routine is seriously shortened. It's just concealer, brows, mascara and some lipgloss. A super basic, 5 minute face that makes me feel less like a zombie, but will get me through the day. 

Thanks for the tip Tree!

And you're right, Erin, a super basic look while sick does make feel a bit better too. 

Dec 28, 2011

Cameron R.

When I am sick and Im just at home or running errands? I just wear concealer sans foundation, and a little bit of bronzer. I do this to allow my pores to release toxins. If I am actually going out and doing important things I try to cover up any dark circles and also neutralize any sallowness my skin may have from being ill. Adding a little color with bronzer, or a matte peachy blush helps also. Lining around the edges of eyes slightly also makes me look for awake and focused.

I don't like to wear makeup when I am sick, unless I have to!

Dec 29, 2011

Skye D.

If I was going somewhere I would use concealer, mascara (waterproof), eyeliner, blush and tinted lip chap. The concealer for dark circles and redness. The eyeliner should probably only be applied to the top because I think having it on the bottom lash line makes your eyes look even more tired and dark circles darker. Mascara makes you look awake too, and your eyes brighter. Blush give you a healthy glow and the lip chap is soothing and pretty. My main goal when I'm sick is to look healthy I guess. I try to do something super basic, like you guys said.

Jan 6, 2012

Maria Y.

When i am sick, i tend to not wear a lot of make up. If i am really sick i am just going to wear a moisturizer, and that is it. But if i catch a cold, then i am going t go with the basics like: eye liner, moisturizer, blush and lip balm...

Jan 6, 2012

Noelle M.

usually when I'm sick if I've been blowing my nose a lot I switch moisturizers, to alba jasmine and vitamin e. It's really a heavy cream but it keeps my skin from going raw around my nose and stuff. But I usually get super lazy when i'm sick and don't end up wearing make up, but i make sure to moisturize.