MY eyebrows look different on camera and pics.


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Nov 7, 2011

Isha S.

Hi girls,

I've had this problem for ever. When I do my makeup behind my mirror, my eyebrow look like the should. A straight like slightly elevating that arch and go down. and the seem even in height.

however when I take pics and in videos my right eyebrow is like downward and doesn't have an arch. (depending on the angle, facing straight to the camera creates the problem.) and my left e/b is alot more arch than I see in the mirror.

Is it the way the camera picks it up?? I have the same problem with all my pics with different cameras.

Anyone has any tips??

Nov 7, 2011

Jasmin A.

Lol. I thought I was the only one!!!

I used to do my eyebrows myself to make sure they were even (or the closest to even), but it was such a hassle. I used to draw my eyebrows for preparation and then I would take a picture. And if they weren't even, I would do over the side that's not in the right shape - according to the camera.

I even used to line each and every step. You know, the vertical lines for end, arch, and inner corner with a pencil. And then I even used a ruler horizontally to make sure one eye brow arch wasn't higher than the other.

Trust me, all that work did help. But it just started to become too much.

What it is - to my observation - our eye area section isn't even. Or just your eye brows aren't even in general. I don't know why it's more obvious on camera, but it just is.

After months of doing this, I stopped because it became too ridiculous especially when I did my eyebrows every 2/3 weeks. Way too time consuming.

I wouldn't worry about it, it's not worth it! Especially since you can damage and erase a good portion of your natural eye brow shape that you might want back later. And trust me, you're not the only one with uneven-ish eye brows! There are plenty of people, some just don't notice or aren't as noticeable.

Just learn to work with what you got, or around it! (:

You could always completely regrow your eyebrows and do them over!

Nov 7, 2011

Isha S.

That seems quite some work. I guess I have to work with what I got. It's just that I see some makeup pics and I see the eyebrows really makes the look much better. But my face is different each side, even my lips are not the same lol.

Thanks for the advice, I'm happy the way the are. When I want them to be even I'll take my time, when making a special video or pic.

Nov 9, 2011

Isha S.

Yes your right they are sister. thanks :)