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Nov 6, 2011

Mahalia L.

I have about the worst whiteheads on my nose! I've tried steaming, pore strips, exfoliating 2x a week, products with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, facial brushes and extractors. These don't work for me for some reason. I was even desperate enough to use tweezers after steaming my face with sea salt in the shower. I have oily skin and I try my best to keep the oil to a minimum (using blotting sheets, exfoliating, no mineral oil, etc). The only thing I can think of is to get a facial. But there are two problems with that. One: I'm a broke college student. Two: I most likely will get them again after spending so much $$$. I'm at a loss! What should I do? 

Nov 7, 2011

ashley h.

i have horrible white heads too & i've sort of given up on trying to get rid of them. i've been thinking about investing in some drying lotion by mario badescu. i've read about it a lot online & i think i might give it a whirl.


Nov 7, 2011

Jasmin A.

Maybe your diet? Could be hormonal. It seems like you're already trying a lot. Hate to say it, but you might want to consider seeing a dermatologist. ):

Nov 9, 2011

Victoria P.

Hey ladies, I use to have to the worse whiteheads on my cheeks, it was so bad. I tried EVERYTHING!! Until, I went to a dermatologist and got a deep pore facial and a chemical peel. I know I know it sounds expensive but the dermatologist I go to in my city is amazing and VERY inexpensive. You should look into because whiteheads will never go away!