The Hair Down Yonder


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Jun 29, 2011

Laura K.

Arie* (hah for some reason my computer autocorrect your name or Air, sorry about that)

Jun 29, 2011

Arie C.

Yep! I also use a new razor every time because I'm paranoid of infection and stuff. XD

Jun 29, 2011

Laura K.

ouch air that sounds like it hurts! Do you have dry skin? I don't really get razor burn that frequently but after i shave ( I use a foaming shaving cream and a good a venus razor) I use vaseline's cocoa butter oil gel (while i'm in the shower so my skin locks in moisture)...but other than that, do you think you may be allergic to what you are using? what kind of razor and cream are you using- look for allergens that may be in it (if you think you are allergic to something go see your dermatologist and i'm sure they will be able to fix that up) I hope it gets better girl!

Jun 29, 2011

Kayla T.

And you use shaving cream/gel? Could be your razor too.

Jun 29, 2011

Arie C.

While we're on the subject, I have another question to add:

How do you guys take care of razor burn? I get it SO bad, to the point where I have scarring; and not just down there, but everywhere I shave. I've tried bikini zone and using neosporin but it really doesn't help. Do you guys know anyways to keep it from happening?

Jun 29, 2011

Kayla T.

Wow, thanks for the responses ladies! Laura, I dont know.. you miiight have a high tolerance for pain haha. I Guess if I Can get a tattoo for 2 hours i can get waxed lol!

Jun 29, 2011

Laura L.

I go get waxed every 5 weeks! The first time - yes it hurts! However the more you go, the thinner the hair grows back, where you get to the point that it doesn't hurt much at all. It's great for the summer because it takes much longer to grow back and you're not dealing with annoying razor burn or ingrowns! Just make sure you don't shave in between waxes because that is going to cause the hair to grow back courser (hence a more painful wax the next time) 

Jun 29, 2011

Laura K.

LOL this is funny- I have gotten waxed once- it didn't really hurt it just felt kind of weird sitting on this examination looking like table and this sweet little lady was comes in and is like "ok open your legs" ...LOL Other than that- no it didn't hurt any more than waxing your eyebrows to me...but I guess everyone has a different pain threshold lol I say try it why not! And it lasts a long time (no hair for a month for me)

Jun 29, 2011

Rachel S.

If the hair is already short, then something like nair for the bikini area might help. I have never tried waxing either, but I have gotten pretty good at shaving, I just wish it lasted longer. I know waxing lasts longer; however, from what I understand it is not one of those things you can easily do yourself.  

Jun 29, 2011

Kayla T.

I know is pretty personal stuff but hey, I figured we're all women here so it shouldn't be awkward to ask haha. I wanna know what the best way to remove hair around the bikini area. Shaving is super irritating unless I'm doing it wrong. And has anyone ever gotta a bikini wax? Just how bad does it hurt?!